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Presented by the Honourable Christine Kangaloo Minister of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education at the 2 nd Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by the Honourable Christine Kangaloo Minister of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education at the 2 nd Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by the Honourable Christine Kangaloo Minister of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education at the 2 nd Meeting of Ministers and High Authorities on Science and Technology on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 Science, Technology, Engineering and Innovation as tools for increasing productivity: the case of Trinidad & Tobago

2  The Caribbean environment  The National Vision for Trinidad and Tobago  Education for human capacity building: Trinidad & Tobago and the Caribbean  Technological innovation and competitiveness

3  Globalisation and its impact on economic, social, cultural, political and technological development  Growth and development: education and innovation  The international environment: the dynamic of competitiveness

4  To achieve developed country status on or before the year 2020  To be a united, resilient, productive, innovative, and prosperous nation with a disciplined, caring, fun-loving society comprising healthy, happy and well-educated people and built on the enduring attributes of self-reliance, respect, tolerance, equity and integrity, in which …

5  every citizen has equal opportunities to achieve his fullest potential;  all citizens enjoy a high quality of life, where quality healthcare is available to all and where safe, peaceful, environmentally-friendly communities are maintained;  all citizens are assured of a sound, relevant education system tailored to meet the human resource needs of a modern, progressive, technologically-advancing nation;

6  the family, as the foundation of the society, contributes to its growth, development and stability;  there is respect for the rule of law and human rights and the promotion of the principles of democracy;  the diversity and creativity of all its people are valued and nurtured;  optimum use is made of all the resources of the nation.

7  Developing innovative people  Nurturing a caring society  Enabling competitive business  Investing in sound infrastructure and environment  Promoting effective Government

8  Economic development  Social and cultural development  Technological development

9  Major investments in education at all levels  Encouraging standards of excellence at secondary and tertiary education levels  Curriculum renewal to inform improved standards of learning  Expanding the number of graduates and post-graduates in science, technology and engineering

10  Developing a buoyant culture of research and development that is relevant to the achieve- ment of innovation and competitiveness  Creating linkages across sectors  Gender mainstreaming  Ensuring quality assurance for all programmes

11  Strong political will in support of the vision and attendant strategies  Active participation by the private sector  Popularisation of careers in science, engineering and technology-based professions and skills  Policies that facilitate the protection of innovation, and encourage entrepreneurship  A financial system that supports new ventures

12  Limitations in human and financial resource capacity linked to population size and infrastructural readiness  Slow pace in creating interest in research and development  Developing strategies to transform new technologies into commercially-viable solutions  Building a community of entrepreneurs

13  The establishment of the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT)  Financial support to UWI to improve its infrastructure  The establishment of social programmes driven by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education (MSTTE)  The institution of new [financial] incentives to increase tertiary education enrollment

14  We have engaged in steelpan innovation  We continue to popularise science through exploration and exhibition  We are using the music industry to develop a fusion of cultures  We continue to create hybrids in horticulture and livestock

15  Close to100,000 students currently enrolled in post-secondary and tertiary education  The establishment of a state agency, eTecK, that promotes the growth of the non-energy sector and knowledge-based industries  The existence of three universities offering different options and approaches to the delivery of professional programmes in science, technology and engineering

16  An ambitious plan for the improvement and/or expansion of infrastructure  Innovative approaches to the revival of agriculture and food production  The introduction of a revised apprenticeship scheme in the TVET sector  The widening of access to tertiary education

17  Trinidad and Tobago has seen rapid growth fuelled by an innovative, well-manned and productive energy sector  The country now has the opportunity, through improvements in technology and engineering, to follow that success in the non-energy, services and knowledge-based sectors

18 Thank you Any questions?

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