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Byzantium and the Rise of Russia Chapter 9. The Byzantine Empire What do we remember about the Emperor Constantine? What was Contantinople?

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Presentation on theme: "Byzantium and the Rise of Russia Chapter 9. The Byzantine Empire What do we remember about the Emperor Constantine? What was Contantinople?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Byzantium and the Rise of Russia Chapter 9

2 The Byzantine Empire What do we remember about the Emperor Constantine? What was Contantinople?

3 The Byzantine Empire Why is Constantinople’s geographic location important? Watch the United Steaming video Constantinople: Capital of the Byzantine Empire.

4 The Byzantine Empire Since the Roman Empire is said to have fallen in the 400s, how did the eastern part of the empire stay powerful for another 1,000 years? What did Justinian attempt to do and how did he go about accomplishing it? What occurred under the leadership of Heralicus and Leo III?

5 The Byzantine Empire Divide into partners. On the internet go to and look up the meanings for the word autocracy, theocracy, and aristocracy. Read pages 231 – 233. Using this information create a graphic organizer that will convey the nature of Byzantine society. What were Byzantine contributions in law, art and architecture? Watch the United Streaming video: The Roman empire continues in Byzantium in New Ways

6 The Byzantine Empire Read pages 233 – 236. Don’t skip the History through the Arts section. What is the pentarchy? How was the Orthodox Church governed? How did the iconoclast movement help split the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church?

7 The Byzantine Empire The split with Rome helped make Byzantium more Greek and for a time increased the emperor’s authority. Identify the achievements during the Macedonian “golden age”.

8 The Rise of Russia Why do countries engage in war? Read page 220 in your textbook. What were objectives of the Rus and the Byzantines in early warfare with each other?

9 The Rise of Russia Look at the map on page 238 - 240. Who were the Rus? What are some reasons a Rus-Byzantine alliance was developed? What could Kievan Russia and the Byzantine Empire gain from a peaceful alliance?

10 The Rise of Russia What advantages did the Byzantines see in establishing Christianity among the Rus? Vladimir carefully shopped for the appropriate religion. What were the long-term consequences of Vladimir’s adoption of the Orthodox Christianity of the Byzantines?

11 The Rise of Russia During the reign of Vladimir, how did the “bridge” of religion help carry Byzantine influences into Russian culture?

12 The Rise of Russia In small groups develop a list of ways in which Byzantine culture continued to influence Kievan Russia during the reign of Yarslav the Wise.

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