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Presenting: June Jackson. “ “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.”

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Presentation on theme: "Presenting: June Jackson. “ “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenting: June Jackson

2 “ “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” - Carl Jung Living Your Vision  2 Amoráh Ross, Susan McKay, Janet Harvey, Jan Berg, BJ Levy, Deborah Munhoz and Beverly Marsh, inviteCHANGE Owners Living Your Vision ® is a process that has helped hundreds of people, in all walks of life, clarify and live their visions. The Living Your Vision ® team and we are delighted about the possibility of sharing this remarkable process with you. We invite you to step into the realm of possibilities and miracles. Our joy is to celebrate the results that participants create personally and professionally.

3 The Transformative Model Living Your Vision  3 Living from the Inside-Out

4 “Personal mastery is the ongoing commitment to unfolding and authentically expressing who we are.” ~ Kevin Cashman, Leadership from the Inside Out Living Your Vision  4

5 The I AM Model Universal Principle: How we create results I ntention + A ttention = M anifestation I ntention + A ttention = M anifestation Living Your Vision  5

6 The Living Your Vision ® Process Vision BE the Core essence of who you are “I am …..” What Purpose What you DO that empowers you to be who you are “My purpose is to …..” WhoHow Values Guiding Principles HOW you honor your values Living Your Vision  6

7 Look inside… “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” -Carl Jung Claim the essence of WHO you are Vision Living Your Vision  7

8 Follow your bliss Do that which empowers you to BE who you are “… the mission of life is to live your potentiality. How do you do it? My answer is ‘Follow your bliss.’ There’s something inside you that knows when you’re in the center, that knows when you’re on the beam or off the beam.” -Joseph Campbell Purpose Living Your Vision  8

9 Honor your values Choose HOW you will live. Values Living Your Vision  9 We believe that: The quality of your life is directly related to the extent to which you honor your values. You have the right and the responsibility to choose and prioritize your values.

10 is a unique, dynamic, and transformative way for people to make significant changes personally and professionally. Living Your Vision  10 The Living Your Vision® Process…

11 Empowers you to access your own inner wisdom, power, and passion – the essence of who you are Supports you in producing and sustaining positive results, while focusing on the quality of your journey Living Your Vision  11 The Living Your Vision® Process…

12 Living Your Vision  12 Facilitates you in creating a comprehensive, holistic Life Map that becomes a life-long tool for self-empowerment Fosters the spiritual principles of balance and wholeness Provides follow up coaching designed to support positive and lasting change – your coach is your personal partner and champion for success The Living Your Vision® Process…

13 Focuses on what's working and celebrates your wins, big and small Aligns with this universal principle for effective process: Clarity  Alignment  Action  Results Living Your Vision  13 The Living Your Vision® Process…

14 Three Steps to Living Your Vision® Clarity Alignment Action Who are you — and what do you want? What’s your plan? What are you doing, creating, and learning? Living Your Vision  14

15 Who am I? Clarity Start from the inside-out Who am I? What are my values and guiding principles? What do I want? What are my desires and goals? Living Your Vision  15

16 Alignment Create a plan Design a Life Map plan in alignment with your vision, values, and guiding principles How and when will I take steps? What are my resources? How will I overcome obstacles? What will support me? Living Your Vision  16

17 Action Work your plan Work the plan, review/refine, use your resources One step at time What’s working/not working? What am I learning? How can I adapt & move forward? Utilizing coaching support Living Your Vision  17

18 Coaching Coaching supports the process! Amplify and accelerate your process with coaching support Living Your Vision  18

19 provides a co-created environment of safety, respect and absolute belief in another’s inherent wisdom, resourcefulness and wholeness. Within this co-created partnership: Bold curiosity and powerful questions uncover limiting beliefs, and Shine the light on an unlimited field of possibilities, that Generates conscious choice and lasting change. Living Your Vision ® Transformative Coaching… Living Your Vision  19

20 Living Your Vision  20 The Living Your Vision ® process includes: A comprehensive self-inventory A 3-1/2 day workshop A personalized Living Your Vision ® Life Map Twelve weeks of follow-up support coaching Your personal professionally trained and licensed Living Your Vision ® Facilitator

21 21 “Give me beauty in the inward soul; may the outward and inward man be at one.” ~ Socrates Fulfilling the Possibility…

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