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Hearing on immigration and integration The Integration Council in Copenhagen Lotte Holck City of Copenhagen, Denmark.

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Presentation on theme: "Hearing on immigration and integration The Integration Council in Copenhagen Lotte Holck City of Copenhagen, Denmark."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hearing on immigration and integration The Integration Council in Copenhagen Lotte Holck City of Copenhagen, Denmark

2 Disposition 1. The Integration Council in Copenhagen – composition and tasks 2. Focal issues last four years 3. Borderlines between central and local government in the field of integration - the role of central and local government 4. Mayor challenges in the field of local integration – Copenhagen City and the Integration Council

3 The Integration Council in Copenhagen 1) Composition – ethnic minority representatives and professionals 2) History: 1. period 1999 – 2001, 2. period 2002 – 06 – first democratic election 7 th of March 2006 3) Objectives:  To attend to the interest of the ethnic minorities and act as their mouthpiece  To guide the politicians, the standing committees and the administration of the city on how to secure an efficient and coherent integration policy  To strengthen Copenhagen as a diverse and multicultural city for all it’s citizens

4 Partners and position of the Council

5 Tasks  Only consulting and guiding body (no formal competence)  Neutral body – watchdog function in the municipality  New ideas and input from the ethnic minorities organisations  Heard (written or oral) in all questions concerning the municipal efforts to better integration  Written and oral hearings: 2004: 28/ 2005: 38  Participants in working committees, seminars, conferences i.e.

6 Focal issues 2002 - 2006 Ethnic equality and experienced discrimination in all spheres of society:  Year of ethnic equality 2003  International day to celebrate diversity (2003, 2004, 2005)  ”White domestic help”-case (fall 2004)  Nightlife for Everybody – Experienced discrimination in the nightlife (campaign spring 2005)  New integration policy in CPH municipality (fall 2005 – )  Proposal on discrimination Ombudsmand at local level

7 Borderlines between central and local  The Ministry of Integration – founded 2002  Act on Foreigners – distribution of ”newly arrived”  Administration of the Act on integration (1999)  Overall integration policy concerning integration of refugees and immigrant (the Act on integration, Act on Danish training for adults and the act on repatriation)  Policy development in relation to new social, cultural, labour market and housing policy initiatives in the area of integration

8 The role of the local government Newly arrived refugees and immigrant are the first three years (Introduction period) covered by the Act on Integration – the responsibility of the municipalities:  Courses in Danish language and how to understand Danish society  Employment efforts in relation to refugees and immigrants  Individual contract and plan of action  Diverse efforts to integrate on local level (after the termination of the introduction period) – ordinary employment efforts, housing issues, initiatives focused on vulnerable families and so on

9 Major challenges in the field of integration The city of Copenhagen  Formulation of a new coherent integration policy – to signal determination to solve problems  To make every institution and employee in CPH aware of their particular responsibility in relation to implement the new integration policy  To draw up goals – internally and externally – to push forward integration at local level  secure greater coordination and general view

10 Issues with priority – municipality  Mix of minority and majority children in school and kindergartens  Prevention of ”Ghettorisation” and segregation in housing  Better employment rate among ethnic minorities (especially women)  Recruiting of more ethnic minorities at all levels in the municipality  Social clauses in contracts with private suppliers  To better the situation of especially the young male ethnic minorities – avoid drop-out of education, crime i.e.  To better the dialog between minority and majority population  Strengthen active citizenship and democratic participation among ethnic minorities

11 Major challenges – The integration Council  To balance the role between watchdog/mouthpiece for ethnic minorities and useful/respected partner of the city council  To avoid being a legitimising body that blueprint the policy of the municipality  To make inputs and suggestions that bridge the opinion of the “ordinary” citizen with ethnic minority background with professional knowledge  To put forward visionary and valuable suggestions and ideas – that make a difference  To speak unison and use their democratic mandate wise  Visibility and sharper profile

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