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SOWIT: Innovating for citizen deliberation in local government Dr. Clodagh Harris (UCC) Dr. Vanessa Liston (TCD) Mark O’Toole, Kilkenny County Council.

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Presentation on theme: "SOWIT: Innovating for citizen deliberation in local government Dr. Clodagh Harris (UCC) Dr. Vanessa Liston (TCD) Mark O’Toole, Kilkenny County Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOWIT: Innovating for citizen deliberation in local government Dr. Clodagh Harris (UCC) Dr. Vanessa Liston (TCD) Mark O’Toole, Kilkenny County Council

2 Introduction Strengthening local democracy – key pillar of local government reform. Green paper (2008) refers to the need to ‘creatively and proactively seek new avenues’ of citizen participation and engagement. SOWIT: Social Web for Inclusive and Transparent democracy.

3 Citizen Deliberations Deliberative processes and institutions can lead to: 1. More informed decisions 2. Fairer and more publicly oriented outcomes 3. Improved civic skills 4. Promote legitimacy (Hendriks 2006, Held 2006)

4 Challenges Existing deliberative fora are: - Timebound - Limited to a representative sample of citizens - Potentially exclusive - Not integrated


6 Components 1. Public Sphere -Permanent and open on line forum for citizen, councillor and official communication and information exchange. - Citizens join to connect, exchange information and form discourse groups - Its output and sentiment can be generated into reports when requested for discussion in the Council 2. Deliberative Sphere - Activated during the policy development process - Involves randomly sampled ‘discourse speakers’ - Ensures inclusion through diversity of discourses 3. Local Council/policy development Sphere - Output of deliberative sphere is input to policy deliberations in Council - Final Council policy is scored for similarily/difference to deliberated citizen policy draft. - Provide direct feedback

7 Proposed SOWIT policy process Preliminary consultation Draft compiled Public Consultation Manager’s report Council SOWIT Public Sphere SOWIT Deliberation Sphere SOWIT Public Sphere Revised policy SOWIT Public Sphere Feedback

8 Conclusion SOWIT is being collaboratively developed Potential to - Empower citizens - Harness collective knowledge - Strengthen existing representative process - Increased transparency and legitimacy of policy making process.

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