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Analysis of 18 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons using a Varian 920-LC Analytical HPLC and Pursuit ® 3 PAH Column By Phuong Truong Varian Australia Pty.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of 18 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons using a Varian 920-LC Analytical HPLC and Pursuit ® 3 PAH Column By Phuong Truong Varian Australia Pty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of 18 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons using a Varian 920-LC Analytical HPLC and Pursuit ® 3 PAH Column By Phuong Truong Varian Australia Pty Ltd 679 Springvale Rd Mulgrave VIC Australia

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3 3 Introduction PAH’s are carcinogenic contaminants produced as a by-product of combustion –Found in drinking water, soils and sludges Can be analysed by GC, GC-MS Compared to GC, HPLC offers Easier sample preparation Improved sensitivity with FLD Better selectivity PAH’s are difficult to analyse because of their structural similarity Results in long gradient runs of 25 to 30 minutes

4 4 Instrumentation Varian 920-LC Analytical HPLC (part no 00100xxx00) Quaternary gradient pump with 4 channel degasser 200 position autosampler with 100  L syringe Thermostated column compartment Diode Array detector Optional Fluorescence detector (part no 99100xxx00) Varian Pursuit ® 3 PAH 100 x 4.6 mm column with 3  m packing material (part no A7001100X046)

5 5 Instrument Conditions - Gradient Conditions Time (min)Flow rate (ml/min) % Water% Acetonitrile 0.01.34060 3.01.34060 7.01.31090 13.31.30100 16.01.30100 16.11.34060 21.01.34060

6 6 Instrument Conditions - Fluorescence Detector Conditions Time (min)Excitation (nm) Emission (nm) 0.0270323 5.6250375 7.1270410 8.5265380 10.5280420 14.7293498

7 7 Results ComponentUV LOD (  g/L) Fluoro LOD (  g/L) USEPA LOD (  g/L) Naphthalene20.04 Acenaphthylene5 1-Methylnaphthalene50.05 2-Methylnaphthalene50.06 Acenaphthene80.03 Fluorene20.003 Phenanthrene0.50.04 Anthracene0.50.06 Fluoranthene10.14

8 8 Results ComponentUV LOD (  g/L) Fluoro LOD (  g/L) USEPA LOD (  g/L) Pyrene10.02 Benzo(a)anthracene10.01 Chrysene0.50.04 Benzo(b)fluoranthene10.01 Benzo(k)fluoranthene10.01 Benzo(a)pyrene10.01 dibenzo(ah)anthracene20.01 Benzo(ghi)perylene20.01 Indenol(123-cd)pyrene0.50.02

9 9 18 PAH by Varian 920-LC & Pursuit 3 PAH

10 10 16 PAH by Dionex HPLC Gradient separation at 1.5 ml/min with Fl Detection

11 11 17 PAH by Grace Prevail C18 column Flow rate 1.5 ml/min

12 12 Conclusion The Varian 920-LC and Pursuit 3 PAH column are capable of separating all 18 PAH’s in 15 minutes The reproducible gradient delivery and thermostated column compartment ensure excellent retention time reproducibility With the optional built-in fluorescence detector, detection limits exceed the requirements of USEPA method 8310 Offers 30% improvements in throughput compared to alternative HPLC separations (Grace Vydac 201 TP 5 column)

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