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Human Chromosome Disorders. Karyotype—Map of Human Chromosomes Homologue.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Chromosome Disorders. Karyotype—Map of Human Chromosomes Homologue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Chromosome Disorders

2 Karyotype—Map of Human Chromosomes Homologue


4 Chromosome disorders Sometimes meiosis goes wrong Most of the time, the pregnancy ends naturally because most chromosome disorders are lethal Extra chromosome = trisomy

5 21 trisomy – Downs Syndrome Can you see the extra 21 st chromosome? Is this person male or female?

6 Down’s syndrome *A flattened appearance to the face *An upward slant to the eyes * Short neck, arms and legs *Intellectual disability *Extra friendly and outgoing

7 Edward’s syndrome-trisomy 18 Clenched hands Crossed legs Feet with a rounded bottom (rocker-bottom feet) Mental deficiency Small head

8 Patau syndrome Trisomy 13

9 Turner’s syndrome—the only case of missing a chromosome that can be survived Females who are XO instead of XX Stocky appearance, arms that turn out slightly at the elbow, a receding lower jaw, a short webbed neck. Other medical symptoms include: heart and/or kidney defects, high blood pressure, and infertility (inability to have children).

10 What if a karyotype showed you would have a child with a chromosomal abnormality? What would you do?

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