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1 CCSDS 2007 Fall Meeting SOIS Plenary Chris Taylor Estec (27/09/2007.

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1 1 CCSDS 2007 Fall Meeting SOIS Plenary Chris Taylor Estec (27/09/2007

2 2 Agenda Meeting Overview for the week Status since last meeting Supporting activities AOB Joint working group meeting…..

3 3 Overview of the Week Monday (all day) –Status since last meeting –Supporting developments –Rid Processing……… Tuesday (all day) –Plug and Play discussion –Use cases –Agreement on approach Wednesday (morning) –Joint AMS - Apps service meeting –Agreement on SOIS subset Thursday (morning) –Apps service WG Friday (Morning +) –Plenary –Consolidation and action assignment

4 4 Status Recap At the last meeting we achieved general consensus on the overall architecture, services and approach to be taken for development Several draft recommendations and a supporting Green book were delivered by the working group After discussion the CESG agreed to release the Draft books for Agency review with a decision pending on Magenta or Blue Rids have been received and will be processed during the meeting (includes input from dedicated SOIS/SpaceWire working group) Draft Red books are still pending on the Application support layer in relation to plug and play – topic of dedicated meeting this week Note that SOIS is mainly tasked with developing services to which other standards bodies will develop protocols

5 SOIS overall Architecture Data Link Layer UserApplications SpaceWireEthernetIEEE1394CAN1553 Denotes service access point Network Protocol Transport Protocol Transfer Layer USB ONE Wire IEEE-802.11 Packet Service Memory Read/Write Service Time Distribution Service Device Discovery Service Test Service Sub- Network Layer Data Link Convergence Functions Device Enumeration Service Application Support Layer Time Access Service File Services Message Transfer Service Cmd & Data Acquisition Services Network Management Services Plug and Play Services

6 SOIS – Software Context

7 7 Status Recap The following books have been released for Agency review: –Green Book –APP Device Access Service APP Device Data Pooling Service APP File Access Service APP Time Access Service –Subnetwork Packet Service Subnetwork Test Service RID Subnetwork Time Distribution Service Subnetwork Device Discovery Service Subnetwork Memory Access Service The following books still need to be developed: –Message Transfer service –Device Enumeration service

8 8 Supporting activities (ESA) At ESA we have several supporting activities that are SOIS related: –SpaceWire working group has been tasked to develop SOIS compliant protocols –ECSS (European Cooperation for Space Standardisation) Mil bus working group tasked with developing SOIS compliant protocol (WG draft available) –ECSS work item initiated for SOIS compliant CAN bus protocol –We have held several meetings with European industry with a view of harmonising the flight data handling system, this will result in a standard reference architecture for which SOIS will be used as the communication element –An ITT has been released for SOIS prototyping, the results of which will be integrated into an Estec reference test bed (output mid 2008) –Several additional ITT’s are under preparation to be released in 2008

9 9 Supporting activities (ESA)

10 10 Supporting activities (ESA)

11 11 Summary Although developments have moved slower than we would of wished, there are a number of background activities giving support and emphasis Missions are also interested with SOIS based implementations being offered by industry What is needed now is more prototyping based on real use-cases to show the benefit of SOIS and consolidate the specifications Main goal of the week is to complete the RID process and develop the requirements for plug and play to a point where the remaining red books can be drafted

12 12 AOB Personal changes –Glen Rakow (NASA) adopted as deputy lead for the Subnetwork Services WG –Max Ciccone (ESA) proposed as deputy lead for the Applications Service s WG Any more? ….

13 13 RID Processing Application Support services – Lead Stuart Subnetwork Services – Lead Dai

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