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Able, ible = able, can do il, ile = capable of being, like All Adjectives!

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Presentation on theme: "Able, ible = able, can do il, ile = capable of being, like All Adjectives!"— Presentation transcript:

1 able, ible = able, can do il, ile = capable of being, like All Adjectives!

2 civil (adj)- polite and respectful; acting with courtesy and civility Though his customer was angry, the sales clerk handled his complaint in a civil manner.

3 docile (adj)- easy to manage; gentle; easy to teach or discipline Jorge was a calm, docile child, unlike his twin sister, who was unruly and rebellious. Docile Not Docile

4 edible (adj.)- able to be eaten Artichokes are edible thistles.

5 futile (adj.)- useless; ineffective; incapable of producing the desired effect His efforts to remove the stump were futile. It would not budge.

6 hospitable (adj.)- treating people with kindness, generosity and attention The inn was noted for its hospitable employees and excellent food.

7 intangible (adj.)- not able to be touched or measured; not definite or concrete While love is intangible, there are many concrete ways that you can show your love.

8 laughable (adj.)- causing laughter and amusement; amusing Mom’s first attempt to roller blade was laughable.

9 portable (adj.)- able to be moved to another location The basketball hoop was portable, allowing it to be used on the playground or in the gym.

10 tenable (adj.)- able to be held, maintained or defended She gave a tenable argument for changing the recess schedule, but the principal rejected it.

11 volatile (adj.)- changeable; easy to explode She had a volatile temper, often flying off the handle for no apparent reason.

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