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King of Great Britain from 1760 to 1820. Under his guidance, Britain won the French and Indian War but lost the Revolutionary War. He was mentally unstable.

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2 King of Great Britain from 1760 to 1820. Under his guidance, Britain won the French and Indian War but lost the Revolutionary War. He was mentally unstable because of a disease called porphyria, and he was given to bouts of madness and unpredictability. He also didn't like his government officials very much. Responded to the Declaration of Independence by continuing the Revolutionary War.

3 "Give me liberty, or give me death!" He was an outspoken critic of the Stamp Act and introduced seven resolutions against it to the Virginia House of Burgesses. He was the first governor of Virginia and led the fight for the adoption of the Bill of Rights.

4 Brilliant general who won several battles against the British and then joined them. He won at Lake Champlain and helped Ethan Allen take Fort Ticonderoga. He played a major part in the American victory at Saratoga. Yet, he joined the British and tried to help them win the war. Benedict sent a message to the British and it was intercepted. Benedict escaped by boarding a British ship. He returned as a British officer and fought against the Colonies in 1781.

5 He believed he was not given credit for his contributions and success at the Battle of Saratoga. He was in debt. His wife was a Loyalist. George Washington was greatly saddened by Benedict Arnold’s treason. George thought very highly of Benedict’s skills and abilities.

6 Ben Franklin was the first American Diplomat. Ben was very popular with France. When he went to France from 1776-1778, the French Diplomats saw him as a person of “New World Enlightenment.” He was so popular, they made rings, medallions, watches, and snuffboxes with his image on them. When we won Saratoga, he convinced them to help us.


8 In 1769, he was elected to the Virginia House of Burgesses, where he developed friendships with other champions of individual liberty like Patrick Henry and Richard Henry Lee. Six years later, he was elected a delegate to the Second Continental Congress, whose members later asked him to write a declaration of independence.

9 At first he defended the British soldiers of the Boston Massacre. He was in favor of George Washington’s appointment as Commander in Chief of the American Army. He also worked to get the support of France. He became our first Vice President, and the second President of the United States. Abigail was his wife.

10 He worked diligently to train volunteers. He modeled high standards. His military success persuaded France to become our ally. His accomplishments: He fought in the French & Indian War in his twenties. This gave him great experience. This was one reason he was elected Commander in Chief.

11 His victory in the Battle of Trenton on Christmas night against the Hessians. He trapped General Cornwallis and won the Battle of Yorktown.

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