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M ANAGEMENT OF USED BATTERIES 1. INTRODUCTION Very large number of batteries discharged in municipal solid waste (MSW) after used for getting power to.

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2 INTRODUCTION Very large number of batteries discharged in municipal solid waste (MSW) after used for getting power to variety household and industial products. Batteries have very large area of usage such as watches,cameras, telephones, laptop, electronic device, automobile,motor… etc. Recently,much attention has been focused on the potential environmental and human health risks associated with the heavy metals and chemical components present in batteries. 2

3 BATTERY CONSUMPTION PER CAPITA Battery consumption per capita in annually; In USA and JAPAN ; 50 to 60 batteries/capita The United States consumes over $10.4 billion in batteries annually, powering everything from children's toys to hearing aids. In EU Countries ; 30 to 35 batteries /capita. In TURKEY ; 4 to 5 batteries /capita. 3

4 In the world 55 billion US dolars are consumed for batteries in 2007. Also researchers estimate that this amount will increase inthe ratio of 5% annually. 4

5 BATTERY DEFINITION AND TERMS Batteries are complex electrochemical devices, composed of distinct cells, that generate electrical energy from chemical energy of their components. A battery cell consist of a metallic anode,a metallic oxide cathode and an electrolyte material that the chemical reaction between the two electrodes. The electrical energy produced from this reactions. Batteries are classified according to their electrolyte physical phase and their chemical components. 5

6 6

7 Table shows number of battery electric vehicles in use each year (red), and year- to-year percentage increase (blue), per table at left.In USA 7 BATTERIES CONSUPTION INCREASE EVERY YEAR

8 USED BATTERIES EFFECTS TO THE ENVIRONMENT AND HUMAN HEALTH The Environmental Protection Agency reports, In landfills, heavy metals from batteries have the potential to leach slowly into the soil, ground water, and surface water. These heavy metals make their way into the food chain. These heavy metals are MERCURY CADMIUM LEAD 8

9 TRY TO KEEP THEM OUT OF OUR ENVIRONMENT Pollute the lakes and streams as the metals vaporize into the air when burned. Contribute to heavy metals that potentially may leach from solid waste landfills. Expose the environment and water to lead and acid. Contain strong corrosive acids. May cause burns or danger to eyes and skin Don’t forget ; 1 mercuric oxide batteries make 800000 L water to undrinkable.

10 DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPAN PARLIMENT ON WASTE BATTERIES AND WASTE ACCUMULATORS The directive aims to avoid the final disposal of batteries in the environment by enhancing collection and recycling In order to protect the environment, waste batteries and accumulators should be collected. 10

11 11 Figure1:flowchart of used batteries

12 Collection, transportation and storage of used batteries are done by the associations and the companies that founded for these purposes These companies sometimes commit sorting of the wastes 12

13 SYMBOLS FOR BATTERIES, ACCUMULATORS AND BATTERY PACKS FOR SEPARATE COLLECTION The symbol indicating ‘separate collection’ for all batteries and accumulators shall be the crossed-out wheeled bin shown next: 13

14 T AKING A UNITED APPROACH TO BATTERY RECYCLING I N E UROPEAN UNI ON o In 2002, half the portable batteries sold in the EU were sent for final disposal in landfills or were incinerated, instead of being recycled. 14 o Austria has one of the most advanced battery recycling systems in the EU, was able to achieve a collection rate of 40% in 1992.

15 CountriesCollection rates (%) Belgium59 Sweden55 Austria44 Germany39 Netherlands32 France16 Table1:Collection rates of portable batteries 2002 15

16 Recycling of the used batteries are done by the licensed companies Germany, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium are the countiries which have main recycling facilities. 16

17 Batrec AGBatrec AG in Switzerland – reprocessing of a wide range of batteries. Batrec was the first company in the world to recycle batteries commercially (up to 2,000 tonnes a year). RecupylRecupyl in France – recovery of metals through hydro-metallurgical recycling of all types of batteries. SAFT-NIFESAFT-NIFE in Sweden – reprocessing of industrial NiCd batteries 17

18 M ANAGEMENT OF USED BATTERIES IN TURKEY In Turkey used batteries management is regarding according to basis –principles of used batteries and accumulators regulations. 18

19 Labelling all batteries and accumulators, Marking, Reduction of quantities of harmful substances in production, Separate collection, transportation and disposal, Prohibitions, limitations and obligations about import, transit passage and export, the measures to be taken, the controls to be made, and the responsibilities to apply S COPE 19

20 In Turkey used batteries are collected by the authorized body TAP(portable battery producers and importer association) with association the Municipality Corporation. The activity researches of the TAP is shown below. 20

21 21 Table2:collecting box&bins according to cities CityBinsCollecting box İSTANBUL18902015 BURSA300 SİVAS150100 MANİSA15050 ADAPAZARI75125 TRABZON6050 ADANA6280 ANKARA5846 ORDU5152 ÇANAKKALE5085 GAZİANTEP50 MUĞLA4050 ÇANKIRI3550 İZMİR6110 AYDIN SÖKE425 İZMİT30 AKSARAY18

22 F LOW CHART Bölge Bayileri Tüketiciler Temporary storage SatıcılarHurdacılarServisler Bölge Bayileri ServislerHurdacılarServisler Tüketiciler HurdacılarServisler HurdacılarServisler Tüketiciler HurdacılarServislerSatıcılar Tüketiciler HurdacılarServislerSatıcılar Tüketiciler HurdacılarServisler Bölge Bayileri Satıcılar Tüketiciler HurdacılarServisler Bölge Bayileri Satıcılar Tüketiciler HurdacılarServisler Bölge Bayileri Satıcılar Tüketiciler HurdacılarServisler Region retailer seller consumers Refuse collector services Temporary storage Temporary storage Licensed carriers Licensed recovery facilities 22

23 W HY RECYCLıNG RATıO ıS LOW ıN TURKEY ? 23 In Turkey used battery recycling is not applying due to financial problems and lack of the public awareness.Because it costs more than buying a new battery when you recycle it. But there are some licensed companies that concern with used batteries.

24 After collection, hazardous group of used batteries are sent to a center capable of proper landfilling and disposal. İSTAÇ have responsibilities about this process in İstanbul. L ANDFıLLıNG AND DıSPOSAL 24

25 25 Table3:battery storage and landfilling areas

26 26 Table4:collecting boxes according to cities

27 27 Table5:inhabitants per collecting box according to cities

28 N EEDS FOR ESTABLISHMENT 28 Installation of (more) collecting boxes Educational works to raise the public awareness Information campaigns about battery box stations Cooperation with schools and institutions Cooperation with associations Cooperation with chains of retailers and other commercials

29 N EEDS FOR INVESTMENT 29 Experiments Battery recovery plants Battery sorting plants Environmental sound disposal of unrecyclable batteries

30 The End

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