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Deforestation: Global Impact, Causes & Recommendations.

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Presentation on theme: "Deforestation: Global Impact, Causes & Recommendations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deforestation: Global Impact, Causes & Recommendations

2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The forests are the “lungs” of our land, purifying our air and giving strength to our people.” ~Franklin Delano Roosevelt

3 Why are forests so important? n Provide livelihood and sustenance n Protect us from natural disasters n Purify the air we breathe n Help moderate climate

4 Causes of Deforestation n Commercial Exploitation n Cattle Ranching n Development n Agriculture n Poverty & Inequality n Beliefs

5 Effects of Deforestation n Topsoil n Biodiversity n Potential Discoveries n Desertification n Eco-tourism n Global Warming

6 Greenhouse Gases

7 The “Good” ozone vs. “Bad” ozone: n In the stratosphere it protects the Earth from harmful UV radiation n In the troposphere it can damage crops and exasperate lung problems like asthma

8 Recommendations n Reduce demand for timber products n Manage rather than mine forests n Revamp forest concession policies n Set aside revenue as “environmental fee” for forest conservation n Emphasize low impact harvesting n Educate public

9 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “We did not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we have borrowed it from our children.” ~A Bumper Sticker

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