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CCV Renewal – May 2012 Update to the UDs. Common CV Renewal: Background CCV launched July 2002 with the vision to reduce researcher administrative burden.

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Presentation on theme: "CCV Renewal – May 2012 Update to the UDs. Common CV Renewal: Background CCV launched July 2002 with the vision to reduce researcher administrative burden."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCV Renewal – May 2012 Update to the UDs

2 Common CV Renewal: Background CCV launched July 2002 with the vision to reduce researcher administrative burden in the capture of CV information for research funding applications An important system in the Canadian research funding application process As of 2011, CCV includes 26 subscribing agencies; 100,000 registered accounts; over 32,000 CVs submitted in 2010-11 In 2008, CCV Board recognized that vision no longer fully achieved due to significant subscriber-specific customizations and out-of-date technology In 2009, Business Plan to renew CCV approved by the Board. Agreement signed by Tri-Council to share the cost of the CCV application renewal 2009-12: CCV Committees and Working Groups provide input Data Standards Committee: Defined new CCV Consolidated Data Set. Comprised of representatives from CCV subscribers, research institutions, standards experts and CASRAI Working Group of CCV Subscribers: Provided input into design. Volunteer representatives of subscribers, bi-monthly meetings where feedback sought on CCV design considerations. March 2012: New three year agreement signaling a renewed Tri-Council commitment to the CCV. Announced renewed CCV will go live June 19, 2012 1

3 Renewal: Addressing Current Pain Points CCV Today CCV Renewal Minimal data harmonization Data common to all subscribers is less than 25% - significantly lower than target of 80% set when CCV was launched Similar data being requested on multiple subscriber screens 100% Common Data Set: defined by CCV Data Standards Committee Subscribers select data required to support their specific program needs Researchers prompted to complete only the data required for task they are completing Data entered once; available to all subscribers Interfaces with PubMed and Research Institutions systems will minimize data input requirements Continuing to look at ways to reduce data entry and improve data standardization / integrity (e.g. ORCID) Built on aging technology using outdated web design principles Multiple popup windows; default browser configurations now prevent pop-ups Inflexible architecture structures do not allow for easy modification or changes to meet different stakeholder requirements Slow system performance (especially PDF Generation) New browsers, tablets and Apple products not fully supported Built using current web development best practices Supports current web navigation practices Device and browser independent - supports any browser or device (e.g. iPad, Macs, tablets, PC, Google Chrome) More dynamic management model allowing both CCV and individual subscriber agencies to manage CV data and templates at the agency or program in real time ‘Thin’ web architecture – processing occurs at the server level, not on the page Built on a fully redundant secure environment

4 Renewal Solution Overview Researchers complete only the agency data required Data provided in prior applications is pre-filled, saving time From this common data set, subscriber agencies individually create their program or function- specific CV templates CCV and its stakeholders establish/ refine Common CV consolidated data elements -------- Once satisfied, Researchers formally submit their CV to the subscribing agency abc Abc... abc Abc... Subscriber agencies receive submitted CV’s in electronic format to their specification abc Abc... abc Abc... abc Abc...

5 What does that mean for CIHR? New CCV will be used for all CIHR programs as of June 19, 2012 –Same URL, same username and password –Close to 90% of CCV data will be migrated from current CCV system –CIHR applicants will choose from 3 CV templates, depending on their role / point in time of their application. CIHR CCV Working Group are defining: Registration CV Academic Application CV for NPA, PA and co-applicants Knowledge User Application CV for PKU and KU –Registration and Application CV: Same data as existing CCV, except that expertise will be based on CIHR’s renewed Research Classification System (RCS) Contribution / Publication data is now structured and in the future will no longer be captured as an attachment. Links to PubMed and University systems for data transfer but will be an initial burden to enter. Leave of absences now structured data –Knowledge User CV: Application CV with content tailored to meet KU Community requirements (e.g. work experience in non-academic environment) 4

6 CIHR – CCV Renewal As of June 2012, CIHR CV templates will mimic the current CV requirements. Templates will be revised in the future to reflect requirements for the redesign of CIHR’s open suite of programs and peer review system –With the launch of College of Reviewers, Peer Reviewers might be required to complete a Reviewer CCV to data to assist with assigning reviewers e.g., their contact information, expertise, peer reviewer and work experience, language ability to review and academic background As with any new system, there will be a period of adjustment for fine-tuning and further improvements –Users should anticipate that extra time will be required to get familiar with the new system and additional data requirements –Current version has limited search capabilities – will be enhanced –The CCV form (PDF) is generic and is not currently formatted – will be addressed in future versions 5

7 DEMO 6

8 Engagement Approach and Activities Official announcement of June 19 launch from Tri-Councils in May CCV is providing general communications and training on the system through its CCV channels and subscribers CCV also providing some generic support for subscriber-specific communications and training CIHR is developing CIHR-specific training and communications Bulk of communications/training May-June, reminders in July-August. Researcher Community Communications using existing channels, where possible Demos, In-person presentations, webinars, online training planned by CCV and CIHR Targeted audiences include CCV account holders, UDs, CAURA, distribution lists 7

9 CCV Renewal Questions? CCV Renewal: Kristina Casey – CIHR implementation of CCV Renewal: Evie Gray – 8

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