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First revelation, at Mt. Hira’, near Mecca, 26th-27th Ramadan 610: Qur’an 96: 1-5: 1. Read in the name of thy Lord who created. 2. Created man from a blood-clot.

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Presentation on theme: "First revelation, at Mt. Hira’, near Mecca, 26th-27th Ramadan 610: Qur’an 96: 1-5: 1. Read in the name of thy Lord who created. 2. Created man from a blood-clot."— Presentation transcript:

1 First revelation, at Mt. Hira’, near Mecca, 26th-27th Ramadan 610: Qur’an 96: 1-5: 1. Read in the name of thy Lord who created. 2. Created man from a blood-clot. 3. Read, for thy Lord is the Most Generous, 4. Who taught by the pen, 5. Taught man that which he knew not.

2 Muhammad (c. 570-632) Qur’an/Koran IslamKa‘ba khalifa (caliph) 610 First revelation 611 Muhammad starts preaching 622 Emigration to Medina 622-30 Conflict with Mecca 632 Death of Muhammad

3 Text initially recorded during Muhammad’s lifetime After 650, troops of Syria and Iraq arguing over correct version. ‘Uthman (r. 644-56) appoints commission that compiles text in several volumes in dialect of Quraysh. Sent to capitals of Muslim world. Orders all other versions burned Collection of the Qur’an

4 Other versions recorded as late as 10th c. God’s guiding hand throughout. ‘Uthman’s version as copy of God’s original. Collection of the Qur’an

5 Perception and Structure of the Qur’an Collected words of God, transmitted to humanity through Prophet Muhammad 114 suras (chapters), approx. 6200 ayas (verses) Suras approximately ordered from longest to shortest

6 Themes in the Qur’an The nature of God Stories of the prophets Day of Judgment Laws Sunna/hadith With scriptures: Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad Sacrifice of Abraham: Isma‘il/Ishmael No associates, like Ezra, Jesus or the Trinity

7 1-29 Faith and disbelief 30-39 Creation, Adam, Satan 40-86 Biblical history - Moses 87-103 Biblical history - Jews, Jesus, Moses 104-21 Polemic - Muslim, Jewish, Christian 122-41 Biblical history - Abraham 142-67 Islamic identity - prayer and pilgrimage 168-203 Juridical problems - food, wills, etc. 204-14 Salvation history 215-42 Juridical problems - jihad, marriage, etc. 243-53 Salvation history 254-60 Mixed topics 261-83 Juridical problems - charity, usury 284-86 Faith Organisation Sura 2

8 Khawass al-Qur’an = special properties of the Qur’an Issues of translation/interpretation

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