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Esther – the making of a star

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1 Esther – the making of a star
God Will Turn Things Around

2 Esther - the real life drama
King Xerxes of Persia; Ahasuerus king of Persia his wife and former Queen; Vashti Esther, a Jewish woman who became Queen second in command, Haman, recently promoted by the king; Mordecai, a leader among the Jewish people

3 the Feast of Purim Esther and Mordecai instituted the Feast of Purim to mark their miraculous deliverance. The Jews still commemorate this deliverance in the yearly festival Purim, on the 14th and 15th of Adar (February, March).

4 Esther – the making of a star
She was a unknown stranger She was an orphan She be came a slave She had the sentence of death

5 Esther – the making of a star
Hadassah (myrtle – a type of tree) the Jewish name Became Es´ther (a star) the Persian name

6 Esther – the making of a star
Mordecai the Jew Did good without looking for rewards Esther Xerxes the king. Had the sentence of death on his life He sat at the king’s gate, a place for beggars He wore sackcloth ashes.

7 Esther – the making of a star
VASHTI [VASH tie] — the beautiful queen of King Ahasuerus (Xerxes I, reigned 486–465 b.c.) who was banished from court for refusing the king’s command to exhibit herself during a period of drunken feasting (Esth. 1:11 She was often praised for her beauty- and she believed it She felt that she was too good for the king

8 Esther – the making of a star
Haman Wanted recognition meant for a king Wanted to Kill Mordecai All the Jews Built a gallows 75 feet high hang Mordecai

9 God Will Turn Things Around
The Curse that became a blessing the fourteenth day of the month Adar Wipe out the physical evidence and memory of the Jews The Jews still commemorate this deliverance in the yearly festival Purim, on the 14th and 15th of Adar (February, March).

10 God Will Turn Things Around Esther – the making of a star
Hadassah (myrtle – a type of tree) the Jewish name Es´ther (a star) the Persian name The Tree That Became A Star

11 God Will Turn Things Around

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