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Salvation History The Promise of a Savior. The Incarnation And the Word Became Flesh.

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Presentation on theme: "Salvation History The Promise of a Savior. The Incarnation And the Word Became Flesh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salvation History The Promise of a Savior

2 The Incarnation And the Word Became Flesh

3 Annunciation Mary is asked to be the Mother of the Savior Theotokos: Bearer of God Mary’s “fiat” collaborates with God’s divine plan Mary is the antitheses of Eve. Eve brings suffering and death into the world, Mary brings new life and salvation. Faithful v faithless Trusting v doubtful Obedient v disobedient Humble v proud Immaculate Conception: The dogma that Mary was conceived without Original Sin and remained free from personal sin throughout her entire life Luke 1-2, Matthew 1-3

4 Joseph Compassion Faith Trust Unhesitating obedience Model father and husband – Protector – Provider

5 Visitation Elizabeth, Mary’s cousin Zechariah, Elizabeth’s husband John the Baptist Faith Trust “Seeing”

6 Nativity Jesus is born in humble surroundings, in Bethlehem Mary was a virgin before, during and after His birth

7 Christological Prophecies Is. 7:14“born of a virgin” Micah 5:1-4a“born in Bethlehem” Ps. 69:10“love the house of God” Is. 61:1-2“filled with the spirit of God” Zech. 9:9“come into glory riding on a donkey” Zech. 11:12-13“betrayed for 30 pieces of silver” Ps. 22*“will suffer and die” Ps. 2: 7-8“Son of God who will overcome death”

8 Titles of Jesus Jesus – “God Saves” Christ – Anointed one, Messiah Son of God – Special relationship with God (OT) – “This is my beloved Son” (NT) Lord – Title of respect (used by Jews in place of Yahweh)

9 Titles of Jesus Alpha & Omega Bread of Life Good Shepherd High Priest King of Kings Lamb of God Light of the World The Word

10 Incarnation God becomes flesh – To reconcile us with God through the forgiveness of sins – That we might know the depth of God’s Love – To be our model of Holiness – To make us partakers of the Divine Nature – To destroy the power of Satan

11 Model of Holiness Jesus lived as He expects us to live – Prayed – Served – Sacrificed Jesus is Baptized ( Mt.3: 13-17) Temptation in the Desert (Mt. 4: 1-11 ) Pgs 73-76 text

12 Baptism of Jesus By submitting to baptism by John, Jesus – Identified himself with our sinful human race even though he himself was without sin. – He formally accepted his vocation, the mission of preaching God’s kingdom – Showed his willingness to die* to bring new life to the world » Water, a sign of death.

13 Temptation in the Desert Demonstrates the need to be alone before encountering the major enterprises of life and the importance of distancing ourselves from everyday life in order to hear God’s message. Jesus struggle shows us that evil is alive and active in the world Jesus experience with evil helps us to approach him knowing he understands what we face.

14 Significance of the Account Evil exploits our vulnerability – Hunger – Exhaustion Types of power – Material – Miraculous – Political Resistance – Trust in God

15 Know God’s Love Learn the meaning of God’s unconditional love Proclaim the Kingdom of God – Teaching Words – Ethical exhortations – parables Actions – Miracles and signs – example

16 Reconciled us with God Restored us to friendship with God the Father – Passion and death Redeemed our sins – Resurrection Destroyed death – Ascension Established the kingdom

17 Partakers of Divine Nature Sacraments – Participate in the sacraments Prayer – Experience moments of oneness with God both alone and in community Live in God’s Grace – Strive to live a perfect life – Faith in action

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