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Taunton River Wild & Scenic Study A Partnership Effort on Behalf of The Taunton River.

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1 Taunton River Wild & Scenic Study A Partnership Effort on Behalf of The Taunton River

2 From the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act…. ….certain selected rivers of the Nation which possess outstandingly remarkable scenic, recreational, geologic, fish and wildlife, historic, cultural, or other similar values, shall be preserved and protected for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations…..

3 Wild & Scenic Rivers There are 163 Wild and Scenic Rivers nationwide; six in New England including two in Massachusetts

4 History of Taunton River Wild & Scenic Local beginnings Congressional Authorization of Study Study Committee created Towns each appoint representatives State representatives Nonprofit representatives (MA & RI) National Park Service SRPEDD

5 What is a Wild & Scenic River study? The Study will answer two questions: What’s special about the Taunton River? (Outstanding Resource Values) How will we protect “what’s special” about the river for future generations? (River Management/Conservation Plan)

6 Effects of Wild & Scenic designation: Create coalition of agencies, non-profits, towns & National Park Service to implement the locally developed management plan Provide access to federal funding for implementing the plan and supporting the coalition Prohibits new dams or hydroelectric development Makes preservation of outstanding resources a paramount factor for all river-related projects that require federal permits. Wild & Scenic Designation

7 Effects of Wild & Scenic designation: What Designation WON’T Do: Designation will not stop development. Designation itself would only effect federally licensed or assisted water resource projects that would impact the river's outstanding values. Designation will not rezone private land or change property rights. Land use controls on private land are solely a matter of state and local jurisdiction. Designation does not require landowners to provide access to their land. Wild & Scenic Designation

8 Goals of Study & Committee To understand, preserve and restore the Taunton River corridor as an intact river ecosystem and regional resource To develop a strong coalition of municipalities, citizens, non-profits, and agencies for planning and implementing public education, land-use, recreation and conservation strategies for the Taunton River To secure designation of the Taunton River as a National Wild and Scenic River (requires local approval and congressional authorization)

9 Bridgewater

10 Halifax

11 Middleborough

12 Raynham

13 Taunton

14 Berkley

15 Dighton

16 Freetown

17 Somerset

18 Fall River

19 Wild & Scenic Base Map

20 Achievements of Study Committee Achievements include: 1. Gathering background data 2. Creating web page for education & outreach 3. Creating GIS maps for analyzing data 4. Ongoing meetings with towns 5. Determining Outstanding Values 6. Ongoing tributary surveys

21 “What’s so special about the Taunton River” Agriculture Archeology & History Ecology and Biological Diversity Fisheries Recreation and Scenery Mount Hope/Narragansett Bay Estuary Determining Outstanding Values

22 Agriculture

23 Archeology & History

24 Ecology and Biological Diversity

25 Fisheries

26 Recreation and Scenery

27 Mount Hope/Narragansett Bay Estuary

28 1. Wild & Scenic Shoreline Surveys on 5 upper Taunton tributaries: local volunteer Survey Teams Matfield River in East and West Bridgewater Town River in West Bridgewater and Bridgewater Winnetuxet River in Halifax Forge River in Raynham Nemasket River in Middleborough and proposed surveys on the lower (Three Mile, Segregansett, and Assonet) This is a partnership project between the Wild & Scenic Study Committee and Massachusetts Riverways Adopt-A- Stream Programs (DFG) Tributary Shoreline Surveys

29 Help build the Management Plan February Planning Meeting – Bristol County Ag. H.S. Attendance (please come!): Municipal Planning board members/staff Conservation Commission members/staff Wild & Scenic Study Committee designees Regional experts Stream Team volunteers Residents Goal: Develop action strategies, set priorities for protection of outstanding resources and gain an understanding of current protections and potential threats Integrating the Lower River into the Wild & Scenic Study

30 Help build the Management Plan Wild & Scenic Study Committee This committee is central to the planning process and local representatives bring each communities’ issues to the table. Goal The goal of the committee is to help define the outstanding characteristics of the river and to develop action strategies and priorities for protection. We need input from each municipality for the plan to be successful! Integrating the Lower River into the Wild & Scenic Study

31 Winter and Spring 04: Hold public planning workshop Refine 6 Outstanding Values Build key management & protection strategies Continue to build GIS data and tools Continue to gather data about outstanding resources on the lower Taunton River to add to management plan and report Add tributary surveys of the lower Taunton River Timeline for Next Steps

32 Spring 04: Review draft River Management/ Conservation Plan with upper communities & key partners Summer 04: Review draft River Management/ Conservation Plan with lower communities & key partners Revise and finalize the plan Fall 04: Present revised plan Seek local and partner endorsement for Wild and Scenic designation based on plan including votes at Town Meetings Timeline for Next Steps


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