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Electromagnetic Radiation Gamma X UV Visible Infra Micro Radio ray ray light red waves TV ROYGBIV Waves.

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Presentation on theme: "Electromagnetic Radiation Gamma X UV Visible Infra Micro Radio ray ray light red waves TV ROYGBIV Waves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Electromagnetic Radiation Gamma X UV Visible Infra Micro Radio ray ray light red waves TV ROYGBIV Waves

2 Wavelength: lambda (λ)-size of a wave (m, cm) Frequency: nu (ν) - waves/sec (Hertz or hz) Speed of light: c; c= wavelength x frequency c= λ x ν = 3.00 x 10 8 m/s Duality: light shows wave and particle behavior Planck equation: A) E = h x ν E: energy ν :frequency h: Plank’s constant = 6.626 x10 -34 Js B) E= hc / λ

3 Light Emissions: Ground State: e- at the lowest energy level when electrons absorb energy, then go to higher shells to become an excited atom. Ground + Energy Exited atom absorbed Excited Ground + Energy given off Emitted Energy: specific wave length

4 LymanBalmerPaschen UVVisibleInfra Red BLS ( Bright Line Spectra): Each element has an unique BLS (atomic finger print of an element) The Bohr Model: only applied to Hydrogen e- move in shells, add energy, they move to a higher energy level.

5 Spectroscopy: an instrument that separates light into a spectrum which can be examined. Quantum Model: modern atomic theory which states electrons carry with a certain energy (the quantization of e- energy). L. DeBroglie: electrons might also have wave- particle nature E. Schrodinger: devised equation that treated e- moving around nuclei as laid the foundation of modern quantum waves theory

6 W. Heisenberg: “Uncertainty Principle” - not possible to measure precisely both velocity and position of an electron at the same time

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