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 They did have to pay an income tax ( but hardly ever paid it) vingtieme.  Collected feudal dues.  Hunting and fishing privileges.

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2  They did have to pay an income tax ( but hardly ever paid it) vingtieme.  Collected feudal dues.  Hunting and fishing privileges

3 Nobles had exclusive rights to hunt on their lands. Poachers punished w/ death.


5  Primary reason: overpopulation and starvation amongst the peasants.

6  Avg. Marriage Age: Men 26, Women 23  Had Children as soon as married.  If pregnant, man immediately married the woman.

7  Avg. Marriage Age: Both under 20  Households consisted of multi-generations  Marriage approved by local lords

8  Money is the top priority.  Some families attempted to limit family size using very primitive means of birth control.  High infant mortality rates

9  Prone to infection and disease from unsterile instruments and environment.  Most occurred in poverty-stricken, wretched households.  Wet Nurses  Illegitimate births ^  Infanticide  Abandoned Children

10  During this era, two revolutions are said to have occurred: the industrial and agricultural.  Make a list of the inventions and new techniques used and how they made life easier. Include the inventors, if applicable.  Pages 493-503.

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