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Aggregation of individual benefits Arianne de Blaeij and Martijn van der Heide.

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Presentation on theme: "Aggregation of individual benefits Arianne de Blaeij and Martijn van der Heide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aggregation of individual benefits Arianne de Blaeij and Martijn van der Heide

2 Research questions Which characteristics are relevant to aggregate individual WTP for landscape improvements, and how? Which characteristics are the most important for aggregation?

3 Proposal Ex-post evaluation existing CBA’s Meta-analysis Rule of thumb

4 Ex-post evaluation existing CBA’s Benefit transfer based on point estimates (kengetallen) Distance decay function/ valuation functions unknown

5 Meta-analysis in proposal Database: Landscape valuation studies; 31 Landscape valuation studies; No uniformity in data; Different landscapes; different valuation methods Different studies based on same dataset Lack of valuation function/ distance decay function Hedonic pricing studies

6 Simplified “Meta-analysis” Valuation studies with valuation function explain heterogeneity in WTP for Landscape. For each study: Which variables are included in the valuation function? Which variables are significant? What is the effect? + or -

7 Simplified “Meta-analysis” Landscape-variables: local, regional, national importance Small, medium, big change Sociaal-demografic variables Distance Income Age Household composition

8 Rule of thumb for the Netherlands? Emperical study, focused on the aggregation question  to determine the total value of nature and landscape areas Meta-analyse: Make explaining variables comparable  elasticity's Study in more detail elasticity meta-analyses

9 Do we continue? Important question, but time consuming to solve. An easy (quick) solution is impossible.

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