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Miss Amorin Love/Death- Poetry Unit Grade 12. The SEVEN ELEMENTS of POETRY facilitates the understanding of poetry.

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Presentation on theme: "Miss Amorin Love/Death- Poetry Unit Grade 12. The SEVEN ELEMENTS of POETRY facilitates the understanding of poetry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miss Amorin Love/Death- Poetry Unit Grade 12

2 The SEVEN ELEMENTS of POETRY facilitates the understanding of poetry.

3  Determine what the subject of the poem is.  Paraphrase/summarize in your own words  Generally, what is the poem about?  Example)  Theme= love  SUBJECT= A partner being unfaithful in a relationship; heartache

4  Identify the poem’s NARRATOR  Who is speaking?  Poet?  Character in poem?  From whose perspective is the poem being told?

5  Are there any unfamiliar words in the poem? Be sure to look them up.  Is there any repetition? The poet does that for emphasis.  Are words concrete or abstract?

6  Determine the tone of the poem  What is the mood or feeling conveyed by the poem?  Point out words that set the tone.  Tone can change!

7  The FORM of the poem  Is it open or closed?  Stanzas?  Couplets?  Sonnet?  Rhyme scheme

8  What types of figurative language are used in the poem?  Explain their significance.  Metaphors, hyperbole, personification, simile, alliteration, symbols, imagery, irony, onomatopoeia, etc…

9  What is the overall theme/s of the poem  Moral of the poem?  What lesson is the poet conveying to the audience?

10  Subject  Narrator  Tone  Diction  Rhythmical Devices (format)  Literary Devices  Values

11 Feel the inner poet inside you!

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