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Texture Texture refers to the surface quality or "feel" of an object - smooth, rough, soft, etc. Textures may be actual (felt with touch - tactile) or.

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Presentation on theme: "Texture Texture refers to the surface quality or "feel" of an object - smooth, rough, soft, etc. Textures may be actual (felt with touch - tactile) or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Texture Texture refers to the surface quality or "feel" of an object - smooth, rough, soft, etc. Textures may be actual (felt with touch - tactile) or implied (suggested by the way an artist has created the work of art -visual).

2 Trompe l’oeil VISUAL TEXTURE is the illusion of texture. trompe l'oeil is a method of art that is intended to create a realistic illusion of texture and depth in a work of art. The term means "fool the eye" in French.

3 Internet source for textures me/homeCreative.aspx

4 Actual Texture Texture is the tactile quality of a surface or the representation of that surface. If it is the way something feels when you touch it, it is called real texture.

5 Simulated or Implied texture Texture is what your eyes tell you about how things in the drawing would feel if you could touch them, called simulated texture. Photography is very good at translating real texture into implied or simulated texture, but painters and draftsmen can also learn to recreate the visual appearance of textures in very convincing ways.

6 Simulated or Implied Texture



9 OBJECT by Meret Oppenheim

10 Gallery





15 Examples of students creating their own textures.

16 Sometimes, visual textures can be small icons of natural forms, or a mini-composition of lines and shapes that contrast each other. In these two groups you will see textures suggested by food, animals, medallions, geometry, games or weather and many that are just simple line designs.

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