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Information Architecture & Design Course Overview -Syllabus -Requirements & Preferences -IA & Design Readings -Group Projects IA Overview -What is IA?

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Presentation on theme: "Information Architecture & Design Course Overview -Syllabus -Requirements & Preferences -IA & Design Readings -Group Projects IA Overview -What is IA?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Architecture & Design Course Overview -Syllabus -Requirements & Preferences -IA & Design Readings -Group Projects IA Overview -What is IA? -Information Architect as a Profession

2 IA Course Requirements Use Fundamental IA Tools -HTML Editors -Graphics Editors -Site Mapping Tools -Site Organization Tools Learn and Use IA Methodology -Work Through the Phases of the IA Process -Create and Maintain a Design Specification -Structured Development Techniques

3 IA Course Preferences Advanced IA Technologies -JavaScript -Databases Design Innovative -Content -Interfaces Work With Real Projects -Interpreting Requirements -Defining and Implementing Designs

4 Information Architecture Overview What is Information Architecture? What Do Information Architects Do? Approaches to Information Architecture Information Architecture Process Design and Information Architecture Designers and Information Architects Information as Product

5 What is Information Architecture? Builds on Skills, Methods and History of Architecture -Not Just Analogy -Process-Oriented Both Art and Science -Theory (Knowledge and Experiments) -Practice (Skills and Experience) Dynamic Discipline -Technologies -People

6 What else is IA? -Organization, labeling and navigational schemes in an information system Managing the process -Structural design of an information space for task completion and access to content Understanding Business and Implementing Goals -Art and science of structuring and classifying Intranets and Web + applications, other technologies -Emerging discipline for improving design and architecture to “digital landscape” Other skills, unique combinations and instances Rosenfeld & Morville

7 What Do Info Architects Do? Use Tools and Methods -Plan -Analyze -Design -Construct -Verify -Maintain Apply Experience Manage the IA Process Providing and Organizing roles too Passive

8 IA and Other Professions -Architecture, but not Construction or Contracting -Software Development, but not Programming -Content Development, but not Technical Writing or Marketing Communications -LIS, but not Cataloging or User Services -Design, but not Graphic Design or Advertising -MIS, but not Information Technology or Knowledge Management -Education, but not Teaching or Training -Product Management, but not Project Planning

9 AKA IA? Experience Design Experience Modeling (X-Mod) User Modeling Usability Engineering Webmaster Interaction Design Multimedia Developer Instructional Designer Webmonkey?

10 Information Architecture is … Proactive Strategic for Information Systems Tactical for Technologies Profitable for the Organization Central to 2K+ Business Applicable to Any Endeavor Fluid Indispensable

11 Approaches to IA Mediator of the Design Process Interpreter of User Needs and Uses Applying Theory to Practice (Top-Down) Designing and Extending from Examples (Bottom- Up) Ringmaster (Scoutmaster?) Producer, Director Artist or Scientist Objective / Subjective Project Lead – IA – Designer – Usability - QA

12 Design is Solving Problems Products that Solve Problems -Information as Product -Connections as Product Processes that Solve Problems -Education -Business Transformation

13 Design is an Attitude View of the World as a Problem Space Improving the Problem Space

14 Design & Information Architecture Two Sides of the Same Coin? Each Part of the Other? IA = one kind of Design? Design = one kind of IA? “Users. Content. Context.” -Actors & Actions -Resources -Ecology

15 Designers & Information Architects Focus on the Users Apply Theory Understand the System Use Tools Proficiently Extend the System Create New Systems

16 Our IA Methodology Planning Analysis Design -Technology Independent -Technology Dependent Construction Verification Maintenance

17 IA Methodology AnalysisDesign VerificationConstructionMaintenance Planning

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