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Unit 4 What Does She Do? (A Let’s start, Let’s learn, Group work Let’s sing ) 枣园小学 强鲜萍 Unit 5 What Does She Do ? ( lesson 1)

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 What Does She Do? (A Let’s start, Let’s learn, Group work Let’s sing ) 枣园小学 强鲜萍 Unit 5 What Does She Do ? ( lesson 1)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Unit 4 What Does She Do? (A Let’s start, Let’s learn, Group work Let’s sing ) 枣园小学 强鲜萍 Unit 5 What Does She Do ? ( lesson 1)

3 His father is an actor. My dad’s a cleaner at the zoo. Her father is a doctor. What does your father do ? His father goes to work by car. My dad goes to work by bus. Her father goes by bicycle. They work hard every day for us!


5 She is a teacher. What does she do?

6 He is a farmer. What does he do?

7 He is a driver. What does he do?

8 She is a doctor. What does she do?

9 She is a nurse. What does she do?

10 张靓颖

11 What does she do? 周笔畅

12 She is a singer.

13 What does she do?

14 What does he do?

15 writer He is a writer.

16 What does she/he do? She/He is a writer. 冰心 鲁迅

17 What does she do? 王小丫

18 What does he do?

19 TV reporter

20 She is a TV reporter. What does she do?

21 What does she/he do? She/He is a TV reporter.

22 What does he do?


24 actor

25 an 潘长江冯巩陈坤成龙

26 What does she do? 巩俐

27 What does she do?

28 She is an actress. What does she do?

29 an 刘亦菲 周迅 宋丹丹 赵薇

30 What does he do? 齐白石

31 What does he do?

32 artist artist

33 artist an

34 actress actor writerTV reporter artist What does he / she do? He / She is a/an… singer

35 an artistan

36 He She


38 What does your father / mother do? He / She is … doctor accountant salesperson policemanengineer worker 医生 营业员 会计 工人 警察工程师 老师 teacher driver 司机 farmer 农民 nurse 护士清洁工 cleaner


40 My family My father is a. My mother is one, too. I want to be an. what do you want to do? My uncle is an. My aunt is one, too. I want to be a. what do you want to do?

41 Let’s talk Chen:What does your mother do ? Chen:What does your mother do ? John:She is a TV reporter. John:She is a TV reporter. Chen: What does your father do ? Chen: What does your father do ? John:He is a teacher. John:He is a teacher.

42 What does John’s mother do? She is a TV reporter. What does John’s father do? He is a teacher. Listen and answer Let’s talk



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