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 Teeth (singular, tooth) are structures found in the jaws of many vertebrates.  The primary function of teeth is to tear, scrape, chew and grind food.

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Presentation on theme: " Teeth (singular, tooth) are structures found in the jaws of many vertebrates.  The primary function of teeth is to tear, scrape, chew and grind food."— Presentation transcript:



3  Teeth (singular, tooth) are structures found in the jaws of many vertebrates.  The primary function of teeth is to tear, scrape, chew and grind food.  In some animals, particularly carnivores the canines are highly developed for tearing and ripping flesh.  The roots of the teeth are covered by gums.

4 Type of ToothShapeFunction Incisor – Chisel shaped, with 1 root Cutting food into smaller pieces Biting off bits of food Canine –Pointed or dagger shaped, with 1 root Grasping and tearing food (well developed in carnivores for tearing flesh) Premolar – Flat, 2 cusps or bumps on the surface, 1 or 2 roots Crushing food (Mastication) Molar – Flat, 4 or 5 cusps on the surface. 2 – 4 roots Crushing and grinding food (Mastication)



7  The primary teeth are very important as they help the permanent teeth erupt in their normal positions.  Helps the young human in mechanical digestion.



10  Permanent teeth or adult teeth is the second set of human teeth.  Most of the adult human teeth that consist the permanent dentition are formed close to the roots of the primary teeth.  They assist in the mechanical break up of food to increase the surface area for enzymes to work on.

11 Crown Root cement

12  Crown - exposed part of tooth  Root - part embedded in jaw  Enamel - outer biting surface, hardest substance in body harder than bone  Dentine - main section of the tooth, living tissue like bone, not as hard or resistant to decay as enamel

13  Pulp cavity - nerve endings connect to brain, blood vessels carry oxygen and nutrients in for cells, and remove waste products  Cement - rough covering, to which periodontal fibres are attached holding tooth in place  Jawbone - with sockets for teeth  Gum - protects jawbone and roots of teeth




17 Bacteria which cause the build up of plaque

18  Your teeth are covered with a hard white substance called Enamel.  Sugar from your food gets left on your teeth and is eaten by Bacteria which forms an acid. Bacteria

19  The Bacteria then forms a sticky coating on your teeth called Plaque.  The Plaque contains the Acid which rots away the enamel of your tooth, exposing the Dentine.  This is the result - TOOTHACHE!! Toothache

20  Regular brushing after food and before you go to bed.  Visit your dentist regularly.  Drink plenty of milk and eat cheese and fruit.  Cut down on sweets and cakes.  If possible - drink water with FLUORIDE in it.

21  There are different types of teeth found in the mouth of humans  The amount varies depending on the persons age  Each part of the tooth serves a different function  Plaque is the main cause of tooth decay  Toothache is the result of bacteria left unchecked in the mouth  There are several simple ways to prevent tooth decay.

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