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Welcome to Kariba Experience Africa. Content  Location  Culture  Activities  History.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kariba Experience Africa. Content  Location  Culture  Activities  History."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kariba Experience Africa

2 Content  Location  Culture  Activities  History

3 Kariba is located in the northwest part of Zimbabwe close to Zambia Location

4 Culture Kariba has traditional Zimbabwean culture. Such as the belief of the Nyaminyami. The Nyaminyami is an African river God that is said to protect the locals from harm. It is said that the Nyaminyami caused two floods that caused significant damage to the development of the Kariba Dam in order to protect the locals from outsiders relocating them. The odds of these floods were said to be 1000 to 1. Africans are very superstitious and very connected to their culture and events such as the floods only strengthen their belief and connection to their culture.

5 Activities White water rafting You will be rafting on the mighty Zambezi River The Zambezi River has attracted white water rafters from all over the world to brave its incredible rapids The best time to ride these rapids are in mid July to mid February

6 Activities Elephant back safari In Kariba you have the amazing opportunity to hope on the back of one of the worlds biggest animals and view Kariba’s beautiful land from the most magical perspective.

7 Activities Bridge swing Pass over raging rivers such as the mighty Zambezi in one of the most exhilarating ways possible. Experience the adrenalin running through your body as you swing form one side to the other. Come and experience the most exciting seconds of your life.

8 History Kariba is sitting on one of the worlds biggest man made lakes. Lake Kariba. The building of the Kariba Dam started in the late 1950s and was completed in 1963. The Dam was flooded twice before. The dam was built by the British who colonized and ruled Rhodesia which is now known as Zambia and Zimbabwe. The dam was built as a hydroelectric dam and is one of the worlds biggest dams. The name Kariba (Kariva – meaning trap) refers to a rock that comes out of the water at the entrance to the gorge close to the dam wall. The rock is said to be the home of the Nyaminyami, the river God. Due to the building of the dam wall, tribes such as the Batonga tribe were forced out of Kariba and now inhabit other parts of Zambia and Zimbabwe.

9 Thank you Thank you for considering Bumi hills as your African travel destination. We hope to see you in the near future This slide show is brought to you by Bumi hills safari lodge And Mufasa Travel Agency's

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