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MZALENDO Keeping an eye on the Kenyan Parliament Presentation by Jessica Musila, Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "MZALENDO Keeping an eye on the Kenyan Parliament Presentation by Jessica Musila, Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 MZALENDO Keeping an eye on the Kenyan Parliament @mzalendowatch Presentation by Jessica Musila, Africa Project Lead, mySociety

2 The Mzalendo Story The co-founders: Ory Okolloh, Lawyer, Google Policy Officer for Africa, @kenyanpundit Conrad Akunga, IT specialist, Entrepreneur, @roomthinker

3 Kenya 2002 - 2003 The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men Plato

4 Public Perception of Politicians  Big  Powerful  Decisive  All knowing  Omnipotent

5 Politicians Service Delivery Poor In accessible to their constituents MP talk about ‘being disturbed’ Debate on the abilities of the MPs Angst!

6 Citizens Self-Perception  Small  Disinterested  Eat, sleep and work  No opinion  Beast of burden  Used and abused The voter - YOU!

7 Epiphany MP information is not a privilege. Constituents have a right to know Need for accountability Quality of leadership arguments takes place daily

8 Old Website Content  MPs profiles  Aspirant information  Administrative info (Constituencies & Polling Stations)  Political parties  Leaked reports (audit reports, standing orders)  Blog

9 Challenges Access to information What information ( Bills, motions, hansard, attendance records) Security (physical & online) No funding or other requisite resources Sacrificing personal time Entrenched culture - Apathy towards politics and government

10 Omidyar Network & mySociety Mzalendo is the only free Parliamentary Monitoring Site in Sub-Saharan Africa; In 2011, Omidyar Network identified Mzalendo as needing support; MySociety, UK - identified as an organisation with the requisite technical expertise and experience to help make Mzalendo self-sustaining; Build a prototype easily adoptable to other African contexts.

11 Changes in Kenya New constitution; Power rests with the people; Access to information; Public participation in governance expected; Kenya first country African country to go open data; General Election in 2012/2013 Youth Bulk


13 New Features MP scorecards – accessibility, CDF spending, and Hansard appearances Searchable Hansard CDF information How our government works e.g. Who will you vote for? (president, senator, governor, MP, women representative & county representatives) Open data information (census, registered voters, education and health data) More Partners (info providers, multipliers)




17 Interactivity Mobile friendly To comment – login via facebook or twitter or register on the site Users can - comment on all aspects of the site Users can correct/add information Users give feedback about the site Facebook fanpage - mzalendowatch @mzalendowatch

18 Future developments SMS interface; Write to them; Hear from your MP; Polls; Hansard breakdown (motions, ministerial questions etc)

19 Questions?

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