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Why am I here?. A password for your future success…

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Presentation on theme: "Why am I here?. A password for your future success…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why am I here?

2 A password for your future success…

3 4y2f “Four Years to Fly”

4 Your International Terminal to Worldwide

5 My English e-Portfolio @NCU

6 e-Portfolio? e: electronic and digital Portfolio: portare (carry) folio (paper) “A purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student’s efforts, progress and achievements in one or more areas.” (Paulson, Paulson, Meyer 1991)

7 Why e-Portfolio?

8 To show the world I want, I would, and I can!

9 e-Portfolio Showcase 松濤部落格 Blogspot (Google)

10 You’re not flying all by yourself… Technical support Individual English Learning Counseling Evaluation/progress check each semester Funding for taking outside EPTs Workshop and parties Human touch And more!!

11 Again, what is the password?

12 Four Years to Fly 英語演講會 e-Portfolio Are you ready? Yes! 閱讀坊 大一英文 English Café 自學小組 自學護照 大一大一 大二大二 大三大三 大四大四

13 大一大一 4 大一英文 Or…Four Years to Fall?!! ? ? Are you ready? English 大二大二 大三大三 大四大四

14 Attitude decides altitude.

15 Let’s stay in touch!!

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