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Optimal Component Analysis Optimal Linear Representations of Images for Object Recognition X. Liu, A. Srivastava, and Kyle Gallivan, “Optimal linear representations.

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Presentation on theme: "Optimal Component Analysis Optimal Linear Representations of Images for Object Recognition X. Liu, A. Srivastava, and Kyle Gallivan, “Optimal linear representations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Optimal Component Analysis Optimal Linear Representations of Images for Object Recognition X. Liu, A. Srivastava, and Kyle Gallivan, “Optimal linear representations of images for object recognition,” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 662–666, 2004.

2 Outline  Motivations  Optimal Component Analysis Performance measure MCMC stochastic algorithm  Experimental Results  Fast Implementation through K-means  Some applications  Conclusion

3 Motivations  Linear representations are widely used in appearance-based object recognition applications Simple to implement and analyze Efficient to compute Effective for many applications

4 Standard Linear Representations  Principal Component Analysis Designed to minimize the reconstruction error on the training set Obtained by calculating eigenvectors of the co-variance matrix  Fisher Discriminant Analysis Designed to maximize the separation between means of each class Obtained by solving a generalized eigen problem  Independent Component Analysis Designed to maximize the statistical independence among coefficients along different directions Obtained by solving an optimization problem with some object function such as mutual information, negentropy,....

5 Standard Linear Representations - continued  Standard linear representations are sub optimal for recognition applications Evidence in the literature [1][2] A toy example –Standard representations give the worst recognition performance

6 Proposed Approach  Optimal Component Analysis (OCA) Derive a performance function that is related to the recognition performance Formulate the problem of finding optimal representations as an optimization one on the Grassmann manifold Use MCMC stochastic gradient algorithm for optimization

7 Performance Measure  It must have continuous directional derivatives  It must be related to the recognition performance  It can be computed efficiently  Based on the nearest neighbor classifier However, it can be applied to other classifiers as it forms clusters of images from the same class that far from clusters from other classes See an example for support vector machines

8 Performance Measure - continued  Suppose there are C classes to be recognized Each class has k train training images It has k cross cross validation images

9 Performance Measure - continued  h is a monotonically increasing and bounded function We used h(x) = 1/(1+exp(-2  x) Note that when   , F(U) is exactly the recognition performance using the nearest neighbor classifier  Some examples of F(U) along some directions

10 Performance Measure - continued  F(U) depends on the span of U but is invariant to change of basis In other words, F(U)=F(UO) for any orthonormal matrix O The search space of F(U) is the set of all the subspaces, which is known as the Grassmann manifold –It is not a flat vector space and gradient flow must take the underlying geometry of the manifold into account; see [3] [4] [5] for related work

11 Deterministic Gradient Flow - continued  Gradient at [J] (first d columns of n x n identity matrix)

12 Deterministic Gradient Flow - continued  Gradient at U: Compute Q such that QU=J  Deterministic gradient flow on Grassmann manifold

13 Stochastic Gradient and Updating Rules  Stochastic gradient is obtained by adding a stochastic component  Discrete updating rules

14 MCMC Simulated Annealing Optimization Algorithm  Let X(0) be any initial condition and t=0 1.Calculate the gradient matrix A(X t ) 2.Generate d(n-d) independent realizations of w ij ’s 3.Compute Y (X t+1 ) according to the updating rules 4.Compute F(Y) and F(X t ) and set dF=F(Y)- F(X t ) 5.Set X t+1 = Y with probability min{exp(dF/D t ),1} 6.Set D t+1 = D t /  and set t=t+1 7.Go to step 1

15 The Toy Example  The following result on the toy example shows the effectiveness of the algorithm The following figure shows the recognition performance of Xt and F(Xt)

16 ORL Face Dataset

17 Experimental Results on ORL Dataset  Here the size of image is 92 x 112, d = 5 (subspace) Comparison using gradient, stochastic gradient, and the proposed technique with different initial conditions PCAICAFDA

18 Results on ORL Dataset - continued  With respect to d and k train d=3 k train =5 d=10 k train =5 d=20 k train =5 d=5 k train =1 d=5 k train =2 d=5 k train =8

19 Results on CMU PIE Dataset  Here we used part of the CMU PIE dataset There are 66 subjects Each subject has 21 pictures under different lighting conditions -X0=PCA -d=10 -X0=ICA -d=10 -X0=FDA -d=5

20 Some Comparative Results on ORL  Comparison where performance on cross validation images is maximized In other words, the comparison is to show the best performance linear representations can achieve PCA – black dotted; ICA – red dash-dotted; FDA – green dashed; OCA – blue solid

21 Some Comparative Results on ORL - continued  Comparison where the performance on the training is optimized In other words, it is a fair comparison PCA – black dotted; ICA – red dash-dotted; FDA – green dashed; OCA – blue solid

22 Sparse Filters for Recognition  The learning algorithm can be generalized to other manifolds using a multi-flow technique (Amit, 1991)  Here we use a generalized version to learn linear filters that are sparse and effective for recognition

23 Sparse Filters for Recognition - continued  Sparseness has been realized as an important coding principle However, our results show sparse filters are not effective for recognition  Proposed technique To learn filters that are sparse and effective for recognition

24 Results for Sparse Filters 1 = 1.0 and 2 = -1.0

25 Results for Sparse Filters - continued 1 = 1.0 and 2 = 0.0

26 Results for Sparse Filters - continued 1 = 0.0 and 2 = 1.0

27 Results for Sparse Filters - continued 1 = 0.2 and 2 = 0.8

28 Comparison of Commonly Used Linear Representations

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