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1 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC JWST S&OC Contract Peter Stockman TIPS March 20, 2003.

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1 1 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC JWST S&OC Contract Peter Stockman TIPS March 20, 2003

2 2 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC S&OC Proposal Original Proposal submitted November 2001  Proposed cost comparable to unsolicited proposal, (330M w fee over 10 years)  Project internal estimate: 140M (based largely on SMEX & MIDEX PI missions, inexpensive flight ops systems)  Extended review of proposal assumptions with Project in spring Revised proposal submitted on schedule (16 Sept.) to meet 176M target. Reductions achieved by the following assumptions: Govt. provides groundstations -- probably DSN Govt. provides I&T test system as basis of flight operations ground system (STScI was to provide originally) Govt. provides SI, OTE, S/C flight ops analysts for launch + 1 yr Just-in-time development schedule (no phased development to support SI, OTE, S/C dev.) No operations or science I&T support for SI, OTE, S/C. Reduced support to Project and SIs but w. overguides

3 3 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC Status of negotiations (began Jan. 15) Contract negotiations began in mid January  Project puts back: management oversight, Project support, special studies, PRD Ops. (~ 5M) and fenced these costs off.  Project poses a new Target of 159.5 (without fee)  AURA can meet new Project target: STScI roles are reduced significantly compared to HST (and Chandra and SIRTF experience) »SI support »Commissioning planning for SIs and spacecraft. »Calibration software »Calibration analysis Assumes TRW develops I&T system near that needed for flight ops. Reduced planning system capabilities: no linked observations, routine scheduling of parallel calibrations, manual planning of the weekly calendar Late GO funding for Cycle 1 (Grants office startup delayed) Contract will be revised after results of replan: reduced instrument complement?, delayed schedule.

4 4 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC Key Assumptions SI s: The three JWST instruments will have the capabilities and complexity outlined in the ASWG and Project Scientists recommendations. In particular: -The NIRCam will be a wide field, infrared camera with a limited set of fixed-band filter combinations (<20) and several elements used exclusively for wavefront-sensing. -The NIRSpec will be a multi-object, single-order spectrograph with addressable apertures and a small number of fixed- position gratings (< 6). -The MIRI will have two elements: a camera with a small number gratings and potentially a fixed pupil mask and Lyot stop for coronagraphy; a slit spectrograph with R ~1500 and a small number of fixed-position gratings. -All three instruments will have a single target acquisition mode (including PEAKUP and/or PEAKDOWN). All three instruments will have a small number of common readout schemes (<3) and a common data format.

5 5 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC More Key Assumptions The S&OC systems will not support parallel activities. These include parallel calibration, pure parallel or coordinated parallel observations and parallel modes within instruments. Level 2 requirement is applicable to the Observatory. The Fine Guidance Sensor will be sufficiently capable to enable guide star availability and selection to be done in an automated fashion by the S&OC. This assumes a wide field, highly capable guider that can satisfy the Level II requirement ( for the 95% probability of guide star acquisition.

6 6 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC Many Miscellaneous The peak flight to ground data rate will be 25 GB/day. Level 1 data products will be available at L+3 months. Level 2 data products will be available at L+6 months. Targets of Opportunity are not supported within the time period of this contract. Etc. (about 70 such assumptions)

7 7 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC Current Status Technical aspects of contract appear to be satisfactory to NASA 2-3 week period to acquire needed signatures

8 8 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC Replan Status Challenge was to meet:  Stringent budget limits in FY04-07  Launch date as close as possible to 2010  Overall cost of 1.6B NASA HQ has settled on Option 4i  Launch in August 2011  About 110M cut in US instruments (down from ~ 160M) No MIRI 1/4 of NIRCam FOV, 1/8 NIRSpect FOV  Reduced primary mirror area (but meets spec)  Reduced testing plan  Challenged Project to save 40-50M in other areas to help restore instruments.

9 9 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC SWG & Project Studies SWG considering merging NIRCam and Canadian FGS:  Potential saving of accommodations (mass, computer)  Elimination of short wavelength tunable filter  Shared electronic and detector procurement Project finding it difficult to achieve matching savings Other possibilities:  Loss or reduced short wavelength performance.  Increased role for ESA in MIRI Emergency meeting for SWG in April 10,11

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