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M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities1 EP-Microelectronics group Overview of activities & Project Summaries (more info at:

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1 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities1 EP-Microelectronics group Overview of activities & Project Summaries (more info at: )

2 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 2 Overview Design Projects Infrastructure and Services R&D Other Responsibilities

3 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 3 Overview (1) – Design MIC group collaborates (mainly) with LHC teams and other HEP electronics groups to: Develop mixed-signal, (rad-hard) electronics for front-ends and data acquisition systems: System design & partitioning into ASICs. Prototype ASIC development. (spec., design, fab., evaluation) Proto ASIC integration. (hybrids, modules, beam tests)

4 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 4 Overview (2) – Support HEP-wide support for rad-tolerant design: Rad-tol digital library & design kit for 0.25um process. (responsibility shared with RAL) Multi-Project Wafer service for 0.25um process. Packaging and mounting of chips on hybrids. (assembly, glueing, wire bonding, etc.) Mixed-signal IC test lab. (verification of prototypes and small production volumes) X-ray irradiation. COTS assistance (advice, SEU testing, database) Wafer storage. (Controlled environment: N2-flow, antistatic, temp., humidity, access) Organization of ASIC volume production & test. Participation in volume testing for some projects.

5 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 5 Overview (3) – R&D Completed R&Ds: RD9 – Rad-hard SOI (Thomson). (RD29) – Rad-hard SOI (DMILL). RD19 – Hybrid pixel detector systems. RD31 – Event Building with ATM switches. RD48 – Hardening of Si detectors. R&Ds continuing as common projects: RD49 – Rad-tolerant design in deep submicron. COTS – Understanding COTS issues at LHC. R&D for future experiments? Ultra-hard electronics (cryogenics, < 0.1um). Monolithic systems.

6 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 6 Overview (4) – other responsibilities Integration of CMS Tracker electronics (A. Marchioro) Electronics coordination for LHCb (J. Christiansen)

7 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 7 MIC Group Structure B. van Koningsveld M. Letheren Staff: F. Anghinolfi G. Anelli P. Aspell J.-P. Avondo-Bedone M. Campbell F. Cossey-Puget (0.5) F. Faccio J. Kaplon J.-C. Santiard Staff: G. Cervelli J. Christiansen C. Ljuslin P. Moreira E. Murer C. Paillard Visitors M. Despeisse N. Pelloux S. Saramad R. Szczygiel Visitors: P. Vazquez Staff: M. Glaser Visitors: M. Moll R. Eggert A. Marchioro Digital designs (DG) M. Letheren Semiconductor detectors (SD) P. Jarron Front-ends (FE) CAE support Moved to TA1-SD (01/01/2001) K. Haensler

8 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 8 DESIGN PROJECTS

9 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 9 MIC design projects (1) ATLAS SCT (CERN, Cracow, Geneva, RAL) ABCD baseline DMILL ABCD 0.25um backup SCTA analog (DMILL) Chip & module test TRT (CERN, Cracow, Geneva, U-Penn) DTMROC in DMILL DTMROC 0.25um CMS Tracker (CERN, RAL, IC,…) Fast controls, FEC ASICs for opto-links Electronics integration Preshower (CERN, Lyon) Delta+PACE (DMILL) Fast controls + GOL ECAL 1 Gbit/s opto-link (GOL) Muons 0.75ns TDC (0.25um)

10 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 10 MIC design projects (2) ALICE ITS - Pixels (MIC, ED) Pixel readout chip Pilot-chip, GOL Bump-bonding Testing ITS - Si-drift (RD49 -> Torino) PASCAL front-end HMPID & DiMuon Spect Gassiplex, DiLogic & hybrids (MWPC readout). TOF Hi-res TDC (<50ps) LHCb RICH (MIC, ED, TA2) Pixel readout chip Bumping & testing VELO (MIC -> ED) Adapted SCTA (DMILL) Muons (CERN, Rio de Janeiro) Carioca fast FE amp & discriminator (readout of MWPCs for L0 trigger)

11 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 11 Common developments Rad-hard chips: TTC receiver (TTCrx) All Gigabit Optical Link -----  G-link & Gigabit ethernet 800 and 1600 Mbit/s CMS + Alice Programmable delay All Voltage Regulators (ST Microelectronics) All

12 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 12 INFRASTRUCTURE & SERVICES

13 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 13 Rad-tolerant design support Rad-tol design support: Library Core cells, pads, memory, etc. CAE customisation Cadence, Synopsys, Hercules, etc. 0.25um NRE runs & MPWs: Demand-driven MPWs (~3-4 per year, 20 designs each) Services: Forecasting & billing, DRC, reticle assembly, polygon filling, fab submission, dicing & shipping, Fab interface for problems & “specials”.

14 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 14 Packaging & module assembly

15 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 15 IC Test Lab  Mixed-signal test system Automatic wafer prober -> * 112 digital channels @ 200 MHz * VXI analog instrumentation (synchronized) * Labview environment for DAQ & analysis * Test vector down-load from CAE * Step and Repeat with pattern recognition * Stand alone or interfaced to IMS

16 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 16 X-ray irradiation facility X-ray energy: 20 – 60 keV Beam diameter: 100 um – 1 cm Dose rate: 20 – 800 rad/s 8-inch wafer probe equipped with CCD camera Thermal chuck:-25 0 C – 200 0 C

17 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 17 R&D PROJECTS

18 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 18 Low-key R&D activities RD49+ Prepare for next-generation technology: IBM 0.25um frame contract valid thru Q4 2003. Extension possible until which date? Prepare rad-tol design support for next-generation. Choose & characterize a technology. Develop design method & tools (CAE, test). Develop low-voltage analog circuit design techniques. Develop LHC Demonstrators. Ultra rad-hard systems (NA60 beamscope, LHC luminosity upgrade) Cryogenic detectors => cryogenic electronics. Characterization of 0.25um CMOS at cryogenic temps. (device model and parameters) Readout ASIC for NA60 cryogenic beamscope.

19 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 19 Future R&D activities? Monolithic Systems? Integration of sensor on electronics wafer. Integrated APDs (EPFL). Integrated pixels. CERN/Berne patent pending (with ETT) Assisting LEPSI (Strasbourg) with 0.25um What else? LHC upgrade study groups being set up.

20 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 20 OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES

21 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 21 APVs CLK - T1 CCU DCU Det PLL A/D Memory TTCrx I2C FED FEC IVIV TTCrx PCI Intfc CLK & T1 A/D Temp FE Hybrid CCU Module FEC ctrl Data Path Control Path to DAQ LD Integration of CMS tracker electronics. (A. Marchioro)

22 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 22 CMS Tracker Integration Tracker electronics: FE chip (APV25)RAL + IC FEDRAL FECCERN Opto linksCERN Fast controlsCERN (rad-hard ASICs) CCU – Communication & Control Unit PLL - Phased Locked Loop DCU – Detector Control Unit LD - Laser Driver RX40 – 40 Mbit/s receiver TTCrx – TTC receiver etc. Tracker system tests: 1. CERN 25ns structured beam: * Confirm functionality * Synchronization of front-ends 2. Milestone -> 2 working Rods

23 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 23 LHCb electronics coordination (J. Christiansen ~ 50%) Common LHCb front-end architecture Modeling and simulation studies Organizing LHCb electronics meetings. Organizing Reviews etc.

24 M. Letheren, EAB 3 July 2001; MIC group activities 24 Summary of MIC activities ASIC developments for all LHC experiments Infrastructure & support for design, test, packaging, module assembly, radiation studies, etc. Technology R&D for future experiments. Direct involvement in LHC collaborations (CMS tracker integration, LHCb electronics coordination)

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