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Gene, MicroArray and GAs Ashish Anand Kanpur Genetic Algorithms Laboratory (KanGAL) IIT Kanpur.

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Presentation on theme: "Gene, MicroArray and GAs Ashish Anand Kanpur Genetic Algorithms Laboratory (KanGAL) IIT Kanpur."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gene, MicroArray and GAs Ashish Anand Kanpur Genetic Algorithms Laboratory (KanGAL) IIT Kanpur

2 Overview  What are Genes ?  Why study Genes ?  What is MicroArray ?  How it is Helping ?  Where does GA comes ?

3 What are Genes ?  Alphabet of 4 letters [A T G C], called nucleotide bases  DNA  Sequences of ATGC  Double stranded, helical structure  Complementary Properties of Alphabets E.g. A T G C C | | | | | | | | | | T A C G G T A C G G  Gene : Nothing but DNA sequence

4 Why Study Gene ?  Central Dogma of Biology DNA mRNA Protein DNA mRNA Protein  mRNA : Sequence of 4 letters [A U G C]  Protein : Sequence of 20 Amino Acids  Gene Encodes Proteins  Regulates functioning of whole system

5 What is MicroArray ?  A small glass slide or nylon substrates  Each small square represents 1 gene  Uses Complementary Property of DNA sequence  A technology to study large no of Genes in one GO  Gives quantitative measure of Gene Expression

6 MicroArray : Contd.  Many Technologies  Two Color Vs One Color  Affymetrix widely used

7 How MicroArray is Helping?  An idea of changed expression levels of genes in  Treated/Disease/Mutant/Knock-out Vs Untreated/Normal/Wild-type  Different Tissues/Cells  Different Developmental Stages  Co-expressed Genes gives an idea of Gene Regulatory Network  Functional roles of different genes and their participation in different cellular and biological processes.  Diagnosis of disease like different cancer types

8 Where Does GA comes – Few Examples  Classification Problems  Modeling of Gene Regulatory Network


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