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Drugs, Fags and Booze And how they affect an athletes performance.

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Presentation on theme: "Drugs, Fags and Booze And how they affect an athletes performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drugs, Fags and Booze And how they affect an athletes performance

2 Some drugs are good for you, but the majority of them are bad if you take too much of them. You may think that they are doing you good, but in truth the stuff you put in your body can be life threatening if not taken at either at the right temperature, the right amount, or at the right time. Some drugs are illegal such as cocaine, steroids and heroin. Some effects of drugs are memory loss, dizziness, loss of consciousness and DEATH

3 Fags When you smoke your first fag, you consume a small amount of nicotine, which is an addictive. The more fags you take, the more nicotine you have in your body, which makes stopping smoking very hard. The affects of smoking are that your heart rate and blood pressure would rise, it decreases your blood flow to places like your fingers and toes. You might also get dizziness, nausea, watery eyes, hyperacidity, a weakened sense of taste and smell, a loss of appetite, shortness of breath, throaty coughing, reduced overall fitness, a yellowish stain on fingers and teeth, difficulty recovering from major illnesses, weakness for men, and childlessness for women. The diseases you can get from the affects of smoking are asthma, emphysema, heart attacks, stomach ulcers and death. Once you get addicted to fags, you might find yourself experiencing different withdrawal symptoms when you decide to stop. These withdrawal symptoms include increased nervousness and tension, anxiety, loss of concentration, a change in sleep patterns, headaches, coughing and strong cravings.

4 Booze When you turn 18 you can legally drink alcohol. Alcohol is ok in small amounts, you should have none when you are about to drive, it has long term affects if you drink too much, it is very expensive and it is very addictive. The affects of drinking too much are loss of consciousness, shift of eyesight, vomiting,

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