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Mark E. Fuller Senior Principal Instructor Oracle University Oracle Corporation.

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2 Mark E. Fuller Senior Principal Instructor Oracle University Oracle Corporation

3 Oracle and Linux A Winning Combination - RAC and Linux

4 Oracle9 i Real Application Clusters  Database with instances on separate nodes  Physical or logical access to each database file  Software controlled data access Nodes Database

5 Why Implement RAC?  Enables systems to scale up by increasing throughput  Increases performance by speeding up database operations  Provides higher availability  Provides support for a greater number of users

6 Oracle9 i RAC Cache Fusion 100 0.01 1 20 Block access time (milli- seconds) Without Cache Fusion With Cache Fusion Block in local cache Block in remote cache Block on disk

7 Why Choose Linux?  Enterprise-class offerings for mission critical systems  Open and cost-effective solution  Opportunity to reduce IT infrastructure costs  Oracle Corporation provides direct technical support of the operating system

8 Linux RAC Architecture  Hardware – Intel-based hardware – External shared SCSI or Fiber Channel disks – Interconnect by using NIC  Operating system – Red Hat 7.1 and Red Hat 2.1 Advanced Server – SuSE 7.2 and SuSE SLES7 – UnitedLinux 1.0

9 Linux RAC Architecture  Oracle software – Oracle Cluster File System – Oracle Cluster Management System – Oracle9 i Enterprise database

10 RAC on Linux Storage  Storage options for RAC on Linux: – Oracle Cluster File System (OCFS) – Raw devices named /dev/raw[1-255]  Up to 255 raw devices can be addressed.  The tool that is used to set up and query raw devices is raw.  Currently, Linux has no cluster file system. – SuSE has a Logical Volume Manager (LVM). – Red Hat has no LVM.

11 Oracle Cluster File System  Is a shared file system that is designed specifically for Oracle RAC  Eliminates the need for database files to be linked to logical drives  Volumes can span one shared disk or multiple shared disks  Guarantees consistency of metadata across nodes in a cluster

12 OCFS Features  Node-specific files and directories  Unique cluster name integrity – Allows a hardware cluster to be segregated into logical software clusters – Simplifies storage area network management  Automatic configuration of new nodes

13 Cluster Management on Linux  oracm maintains both node status view and Oracle instance status view.  The hangcheck thread driver monitors oracm and reconciles with the hangcheck-timer at defined intervals.  The timer resets the node if a new thread is not started within a specified time. User mode Kernel mode Oracle Cluster Management System (OCMS) Oracle instance oracm Hangcheck thread driver Hangcheck-timer

14 Oracle Cluster Management System  OCMS consist of: – Cluster Monitor (CM) – Node Monitor (NM) – Hangcheck-timer Module  Binaries are located in: – $ORACLE_HOME/ocms/bin  Configuration files located in: – $ORACLE_HOME/oracm/admin/cmcfg.ora – $ORACLE_HOME/oracm/admin/ocmargs.ora

15 The Hangcheck Timer  Replaces the watchdog daemon in Oracle  Is loaded as a kernel module  Is specified by the KernelModuleName parameter in the CMCFG.ORA file  Already included in the Linux 2.5 Kernel

16 The Node Monitor (NM)  Maintains a consistent view of the cluster, and reports the node status to the cluster manager  Uses a heartbeat mechanism  Works with hangcheck-timer and acts depending on the type of failure  Is integrated into the cluster monitor process, oracm, in Oracle

17 The Cluster Monitor (CM)  Maintains the process-level cluster status.  Accepts registration of Oracle instances to the cluster and provides a consistent view of Oracle instances.  When an Oracle process that writes to the shared disk quits abnormally, the CM on the node detects it and takes appropriate action.

18 RAC/Linux Installation Outline  Build hardware cluster and interconnect  Install Linux – Remove IBMJava2 Package – Add pdksh and ssh packages  Prepare Operating System for OCFS,OCMS – Kernel Parameters – Create oracle account and dba group – Create $ORACLE_HOME and /var/opt/oracle directories – Adjust login profile script for oracle account

19 RAC/Linux Installation Outline  Download and install the following –  ocfs-support-1.0-1.i686.rpm  ocfs-tools-1.0-1.i686.rpm  ocfs-2.4.9-3typeversion.rpm  Start ocfstool gui and generate configuration  Create mount point for shared disk  Use fdisk to partition the shared disk  Start ocfstool gui and format shared disk from 1 node only

20 RAC/Linux Installation Outline  Load ocfs module and mount shared volume  Use runInstaller to install OCMS – Accept default watchdog parameter – It will be disabled later  Download and install the hangcheck module –  Hangcheck-timer-2.4.9-e.3-0.4.0-2.i686.rpm  Disable watchdog daemon from system startup

21 RAC/Linux Installation Outline  Update OCMS to with runInstaller  Automate OCFS and OCMS commands to load and execute on system startup  Setup rlogin and rsh facilities so the Universal installer can complete work on both nodes

22 RAC/Linux Installation Outline  Use runInstaller to install the Oracle RDBMS – Select Custom install – Select Oracle9i Real Application Clusters option – Select ‘The management server will use an existing repository’  Prevents installer from creating OMS repository now – Choose not to create a database at this time – Cancel Enterprise Manager configuration

23 RAC/Linux Installation Outline  Update RDBMS to with runInstaller  Start gsd daemon with gsdctl utility  Run DBCA to create cluster database – Gsd must be running to succeed

24 Oracle University Related Offerings  Managing Oracle on Linux ( 3 days ILT )  Oracle9i Real Application Clusters ( 3 days ILT )  Oracle9i Database: Real Application Clusters on Linux ( 2 days ILT )

25 Oracle Database 10G RAC - Complete, Integrated Clusterware  Complete Oracle cluster software solution  Single-vendor support  Low Cost – No need to purchase additional software – Easy to install, manage  High quality and functionality across all platforms  Common event and management API’s – Multi-tier HA & minimal MTTR  Support for third-party clusterware Connectivity Messaging and Locking Cluster Control/Recovery Services Framework

26 Oracle Database 10G RAC - Automatic Server Provisioning  Push-button add/drop server to cluster  Hands-free allocation and re-allocation of servers to services – Automatic routing of service requests to appropriate server with lowest load – On server failure, automatic re-allocation of surviving servers to services  Works across all platforms

27 A Q & Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S


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