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 Key health indicators show the health status among Australia’s children is place among the best in the world  Why do you think Australia’s children.

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2  Key health indicators show the health status among Australia’s children is place among the best in the world  Why do you think Australia’s children are among the world leaders in health status’?

3  Although a large majority of Australia’s children experience good health there is also exceptions, particularly among Indigenous Australian’s, those living in remote areas and those with a low socioeconomic backgrounds.  Children of these backgrounds experience both higher mortality and morbidity.  It is important to remember that not everybody enjoys the good health experienced by the majority!  Why do you think children of these backgrounds are at greater risk?

4  Morbidity are the chronic conditions that impact on the health and human development.  In infants birth weight can often be an good indication as to the newborns health, they are often more susceptible to infections and other diseases and organ malfunction.  Many chronic conditions have become more common in childhood in recent decades, such as Asthma, obesity diabetes, mental health and dental health issues  Why do you think there has been a rise in chronic conditions? 

5  Australia has one of the highest asthma rates in the world  Boys are shown in figure 6.29, page 185 of the text to be more predisposed to asthma than girls.  Factors that contribute to asthma include, maternal smoking, exposure to tobacco smoke, air pollution and exposure to other pollutants.  Asthma can be characterised as the narrowing of airways, wheezing, coughing and difficulty breathing. 

6  Rates of overweight and obesity have doubled in recent years. Around one-quarter of Australian children are overweight or obese.  Obesity can increase the risk of developing other chronic conditions in children, such a asthma and type 2 diabetes.  Children who are overweight or obese will often carry this condition though to adulthood which can further the risk of disease. 

7  Cases of both type 1 and 2 diabetes has risen in recent years, however type 1 accounts for 90% of diabetes in children.  Type 1 diabetes is an auto immune disease characterised by the destruction of cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is responsible for transporting glucose into the cells, so lack of insulin results in high blood -glucose levels  Type 2 diabetes is similar to type 1 however the type 2 is characterised by the bodies inability to use the insulin that is produced. As a result glucose stays in the bloodstream, which can lead to further health problems such as kidney damage, heart disease, poor circulation and premature death 

8  The impact of mental health problems will often depend on the type of condition experienced. The common mental health issues experienced by children are;  ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)  Depression/ depressive disorders  Conduct disorder (characterised by aggression, defiance, destruction of property and deceitfulness)  Statistic in the text show that boys display a higher proportion of boys suffering from these conditions than girls.  What do think the large contributing factor to metal health disorders?

9  Dental health has been on declining in children since the mid 1990s  Poor dental health can lead to further health implications as bacteria from the mouth can travel to the lungs and contribute to infections and other respiratory problems.  Bacteria in plaque may also increase the risk of heart disease and stroke, although research into this is still continuing.  Physical development can be further hindered if the bones that support the teeth are affected.  Self esteem can be affected in children which may impact on social and intellectual development.

10  Hospitalisations among children are high due to chronic conditions such as asthma, mental and behavioural disorders and diabetes.  Although children are hospitalised due to injures also, the rates are lower than those due to chronic conditions.  Chronic conditions can impact on all areas of health and development of a child.  Although some conditions such as mild forms of asthma can be simply managed, conditions such as type 2 diabetes may result in significant lifestyle changes.

11  Use your text book to help you answer the following questions.  On page 188 answer questions 1-6

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