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PARALLEL-SEARCH TRIE- BASED SCHEME FOR FAST IP LOOKUP Author: Roberto Rojas-Cessa, Lakshmi Ramesh, Ziqian Dong, Lin Cai Nirwan Ansari Publisher: IEEE GLOBECOM.

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Presentation on theme: "PARALLEL-SEARCH TRIE- BASED SCHEME FOR FAST IP LOOKUP Author: Roberto Rojas-Cessa, Lakshmi Ramesh, Ziqian Dong, Lin Cai Nirwan Ansari Publisher: IEEE GLOBECOM."— Presentation transcript:

1 PARALLEL-SEARCH TRIE- BASED SCHEME FOR FAST IP LOOKUP Author: Roberto Rojas-Cessa, Lakshmi Ramesh, Ziqian Dong, Lin Cai Nirwan Ansari Publisher: IEEE GLOBECOM 2007 Speaker: Han-Jhen Guo Date: 2008.09.02

2 OUTLINE Parallel-Search Trie-Based Scheme Introduction Target levels Data structure Implement Search Procedure Outline Architecture and memory access Longest prefix selection Complexity and Performance Conclusions

3 PARALLEL-SEARCH TRIE-BASED SCHEME - INTRODUCTION (1/2) forwarding tablebinary trie

4 PARALLEL-SEARCH TRIE-BASED SCHEME - INTRODUCTION (2/2) expanded forwarding table extended-prefix tree

5 PARALLEL-SEARCH TRIE-BASED SCHEME - TARGET LEVELS (1/2) select the target levels IPv4 BGP Reports Prefix Length Distributions BGP data obtained from AS65000 ; Report last updated at Tue Sep 2 00:10:57 2008 (UTC+1000). a large number of the prefixes are found between levels 16 and 24

6 PARALLEL-SEARCH TRIE-BASED SCHEME - TARGET LEVELS (2/2) 4 target levels (root level = 0) bit vectors (global) level 8 and 16 segments (partial) level 24 and 32

7 PARALLEL-SEARCH TRIE-BASED SCHEME - DATA STRUCTURE (1/7) nexthop information (15-bit) one for each target level feasible amount of memory scheme I: feasible amount of memory associate every bit within a segment with a next-hop information without considering whether the prefix exists reduced memory scheme II: reduced memory store the next-hop information for the positions where prefix exists require one extra memory-access time if the longest prefix match is found on level 24 or 32

8 PARALLEL-SEARCH TRIE-BASED SCHEME - DATA STRUCTURE (2/7) example of level-8 and nexthop information

9 PARALLEL-SEARCH TRIE-BASED SCHEME - DATA STRUCTURE (3/7) level-8 prefixVal ( prefixVal8 ) bitmap for prefix node (at level 8) tableNext ( tableNext8 ) nexthop information for prefix node (at level 8)


11 PARALLEL-SEARCH TRIE-BASED SCHEME - DATA STRUCTURE (5/7) level-16 prefixVal ( prefixVal16 ) childVal ( childVal24, childVal32 ) indicates whether there is one or more prefixes of length between (17 and 24, 25 and 32) that share each 16-bit combination indexed by prefixVal16 offsetVal ( offsetVal16, offsetVal24, offsetVal32 ) the total number of ones accumulated from all previous chunks tableNext ( tableNext16 )

12 PARALLEL-SEARCH TRIE-BASED SCHEME - DATA STRUCTURE (6/7) example of level-24, level-32

13 PARALLEL-SEARCH TRIE-BASED SCHEME - DATA STRUCTURE (7/7) level-24 and 32 prefixVal ( prefixVal24, prefixVal32 ) portInterval ( portInterval24, portInterval32 ) indicates the existence of the next hop information that is duplicated to reduce the number of port number memory offsetPort ( offsetPort24, offsetPort32 ) indicates the number of prefixes that has next hop information in the previous segments of level (24, 32) tableNext ( tableNext24, tableNext32 ) can use scheme II for economical

14 IMPLEMENT Separate blocks of memory for independent access

15 SEARCH PROCEDURE (1/7) - OUTLINE proposed trie-based IP lookup algorithm  at the first memory access, searches for a match in level 8 and 16 ‚ in the second memory access, verifies possible matches at levels 24 and 32, and retrieves all possible next hops, one per level If using reduced memory, the third time memory access is necessary for retrieves the nexthop information at levels 24 and 32. ƒ if matches are achieved at different levels, the match belonging to the longest prefix is selected


17 SEARCH PROCEDURE (3/7) - ARCHITECTURE AND MEMORY ACCESS (2/5) after 1 st memory access


19 SEARCH PROCEDURE (5/7) - ARCHITECTURE AND MEMORY ACCESS (4/5) after 2 nd memory access

20 SEARCH PROCEDURE (6/7) - ARCHITECTURE AND MEMORY ACCESS (5/5) 3 rd memory access (only for reduced memory )

21 SEARCH PROCEDURE (7/7) - LONGEST PREfiX SELECTION Possibilities of matching prefixVal bit at different levels priority: low ←→ high

22 COMPLEXITY AND PERFORMANCE (1/2) Complexity OperationMemory Access Times get matchings at level 81 get matchings at level 16, 24 and 322 using the memory reduction scheme for the next-hop information (maybe) 3

23 COMPLEXITY AND PERFORMANCE (2/2) Performance routing table AS65000 (August 1, 2007) number of entries: 82835 average prefix length: 22 number of segments for level 24: 6305 number of segments for level 32: 82 actual memory requirement reduced memory scheme: 1.6 MB feasible amount of memory scheme: 10 MB

24 CONCLUSIONS SchemesAdvantageDisadvantage Ternary Content Addressable Memories (TCAMs) 1 resolve the IP lookup in 1 memory-access time a)high power consumption b)large complexity Trie with Random Access Memory (RAM) 3 require 3 or more memory-access times for IP lookup proposed trie-based IP lookup algorithm a) 2 a) 2 memory access times with a feasible amount of memory b) 3 b) 3 memory access times with reduced memory


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