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Presentation vs. Producing Houses: What is the Difference?  Wednesday, March 20, 2013 from 1:00PM-2:15PM  Delta Center, Room 102B.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation vs. Producing Houses: What is the Difference?  Wednesday, March 20, 2013 from 1:00PM-2:15PM  Delta Center, Room 102B."— Presentation transcript:


2 Presentation vs. Producing Houses: What is the Difference?  Wednesday, March 20, 2013 from 1:00PM-2:15PM  Delta Center, Room 102B

3 Presentation vs. Producing Houses: What is the Difference?  Moderator:  Christopher M. Montpetit, Assistant Professor and Director, Theatre Management Program, The University of Alabama  Welcome and Introductions

4 Presentation vs. Producing Houses: What is the Difference?  Follow a recipe or use the box version? Much like mac-n-cheese, theatres must make the same decision - should I produce it from scratch or bring in the prepackaged events? A lively discussion of the differences and many similarities between producing and presenting theatres across this country.

5 Presentation vs. Producing Houses: What is the Difference?  Panel:  John Hassig, Director, Programming and Events for the Marcus Center for the Performing Arts  Brooke Jackson, former Operations Manager, Pabst & Riverside Theaters/Turner Hall Ballroom  Megan Matthews, Arts Management/World of the Arts, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

6 Presentation vs. Producing Houses: What is the Difference?  Panel:  producing and presenting organizations: academic vs. professional view  similarities: mission, selection process, audiences, etc.  differences: simple mechanics, the process to opening night, contracts, etc.  economic impact: Americans for the Arts/Arts & Economic Prosperity, Executive Summary of Creative Industries in WI

7 Presentation vs. Producing Houses: What is the Difference?  Economic Impact  Creativity Works ( content/uploads/2011/11/Executive_Summary.pdf) content/uploads/2011/11/Executive_Summary.pdf  Americans for the Arts: The Creative Industries in Wisconsin (  Arts & Economic Prosperity ( asp) asp

8 Presentation vs. Producing Houses: What is the Difference?  Closing:  Q&A  Thank You

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