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All these quotes are from the same person. What do they tell you about him? Make a list on Pg. 32A  “Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her.

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Presentation on theme: "All these quotes are from the same person. What do they tell you about him? Make a list on Pg. 32A  “Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her."— Presentation transcript:

1 All these quotes are from the same person. What do they tell you about him? Make a list on Pg. 32A  “Power is my mistress. I have worked too hard at her conquest to allow anyone to take her away from me.”  “There are but two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the mind."  “Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.”  "He that makes war without many mistakes has not made war very long."  “Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.”  “Ten people who speak make more noise than ten thousand who are silent.”  “History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon”.  “I know when it is necessary, how to leave the skin of lion to take one of fox.”  “A man will fight harder for his interests than for his rights.”  “A throne is only a bench covered with velvet.”  “Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.”

2 Warm-up: Tuesday Describe 3 things about this painting!

3 Napoleon was born here, on the Island of Corsica

4 Napoleon Seizes Power Born in Corsica in 1769. He was not rich; he went to military school on a scholarship. Joined the French army and quickly rose through the ranks. Became a General and returned to France as a hero.


6 With the government in disarray, Napoleon launched a successful coup d’etat on November 9, 1799. coup d’etat = change of government caused by a group taking control by force He proclaimed himself “First Consul” [Julius Caesar’s title] and did away with the elected Assembly [appointing a Senate instead]. In 1802, he made himself sole “Consul for Life.” In 1804, he proclaimed himself “Emperor.” Napoleon as first “consul”

7 Louis XVINapoleon

8 The Empress Josephine

9 Josephine’s Bedroom

10 December 2, 1804 The Crowning of the Emperor Napoleon and the Empress Josephine

11 Church Representatives Empress Josephine

12 By putting the imperial crown on his own head while the Pope stood by, Napoleon made a symbolic gesture stating that he would answer to no one on earth, and that Rome would never command him.

13 Napoloeon’s Throne

14 Rule of Napoleon Napoleonic (Civil) Code: made one standard law code for everyone. –Based on the principles of everyone being equal under the law. –Religious toleration. –Advancement based on a job well-done and the ability to perform the job rather than a person’s social class.

15 Napoleon and the Americas Napoleon sends troops to put down slave rebellion in Haiti –Loses many men to yellow fever, malaria, and other tropical diseases. Napoleon needed funds to prepare for war in Europe In 1803, he decides to sell Louisiana to US for 15 million dollars!

16 Haitian slave rebellion is the only successful slave rebellion in history!!!!!

17 The Greatest Extent of Napoleon’s Empire!

18 Jerome Bonaparte  King of Westphalia. Joseph Bonaparte  King of Spain Louise Bonaparte  King of Holland Pauline Bonaparte  Princess of Italy Napoléon Francis Joseph Charles (son)  King of Rome Elisa Bonaparte  Grand Duchess of Tuscany Caroline Bonaparte  Queen of Naples Napoleon’s Family Rules!!!

19 Napoleon’s disastrous Russian Campaign (1812-1813). In July, 1812 Napoleon led his Grand Armee of 614,000 men eastward across central Europe and into Russia.  The Russians avoided a direct confrontation with Napoleon.  They retreated to Moscow, drawing the French into the interior of Russia [hoping that it’s size and the weather would act as “support” for the Russian cause].  The Russian nobles abandoned their estates and burned their crops to the ground, leaving the French to operate far from their supply bases in territory stripped of food. The “Big Blunder” Russia

20 100,000 French troops retreat—40,000 survive! Napoleon’s Retreat

21 Allied forces occupied Paris on March 31, 1814. Napoléon abdicated (gave up the throne) on April 11, 1814. Treaty of Fontainbleau  exiles Napoléon to Elba with an annual income of 2,000,000 francs. The royalists took control and restored Louis XVIII to the throne. (Brother of Louis XVI) Napoleon Abdicates

22 Napoleon’s Downfall New king unpopular, Napoleon escaped Elba, returns to France a Hero for 100 days and built a new army in 1815 Battle of Waterloo – Napoleon defeated by combined forces of Russia, Prussia, Austria Sweden and England Exiled on the island of St. Helena until his death in 1821


24 Napoleon’s Tomb

25 n-9420291#synopsis n-9420291#synopsis

26 The Congress of Vienna

27 It’s job was to undo everything that Napoléon had done: VReduce France to its old boundaries  her frontiers were pushed back to 1790 level. VRestore as many of the old monarchies as possible that had lost their thrones during the Napoléonic era. Supported the resolution: There is always an alternative to conflict. Main objectives

28 Horrible Histories! 00avITj0 00avITj0

29 Effects of the Congress of Vienna 1.Emergence of new political philosophies (ways of thinking): Liberalism: wanted the governments to be based on a constitution Conservatism: wanted to return to absolute monarchies 2.Rise of Nationalism: the loyalty of people to their values, traditions, and geographic regions 3.The enforcement of absolute monarchies led to discontent in Europe (especially Italy and the German states) and caused revolutions in 1848.


31 The Defeat of Napoleon Paris was taken in 1814, and Napoleon was exiled to the island of Elba (Italy). While he was gone, the European powers put a weak king on the French throne. The French people wanted Napoleon back. Napoleon slipped back into France and raised an army to fight.

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