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Meet the Teacher October 5th 2015

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1 Meet the Teacher October 5th 2015

2 This evening’s agenda Welcome new parents into school.
Recent celebrations! Building Extension Infant Meals Online Payments Buckshaw’s curriculum Assessing without levels Pupil Premium Nursery Class Leave during school time – Attendance data Swimming Safeguarding School website & APP – Essential information A.O.B. Meet your class teachers so that they can explain how you can help your child this year.

3 Things to celebrate at Buckshaw!
Excellent progress by the vast majority of children across school in reading, writing and maths. (SATS results!) School environment continues to be admired by visitors….extension! We have 7 classes…199 children on roll + 43 in Nursery Class After School Clubs – Taekwondo + at least 2 others a week Nursery and Kids Club continue to provide excellent provision of care. PE in school has improved, so many children took part and were successful. So many wins! Thanks you to staff and parents. Treated these children by taking them to Old Trafford for the day to see Lancashire play cricket.

4 Buckshaw Building Extension – SEN & Nursery Class
Monies left over from Buckshaw Nursery used to enhance school. Additional rooms for SEN and the Nursery Class Buildings due for handover early November! Thank you for your understanding especially Nursery Class, Reception and KS1!

5 Infant Meals From September 2014 all KS1 children can have a FREE INFANT MEAL… this space! Free Milk Free Fruit….in both key stages. Water policy Sweets & Snack policy

6 Online Payments Here at Buckshaw Primary School we understand that parents cannot always get into school to pay for lunches, Kids Club or Nursery Class fees etc, sometimes children lose money on their way into school so we are looking at ways to help. We are in the process of setting up an online facility to help! Here are some of the benefits: You will be able to simply logon to a secure system call Tucasi via the school website Enter your security details provided by school See a list of outstanding payment items for your child. You can choose which ones to pay and then enter your card details. Keep track of your child’s payments, even if you choose to pay by cash. Order uniform Pay for residential trips in instalments Check meal options your child has opted We recommend all parents register! This should be available to use after half term!

7 New Curriculum 2014…last year!
English & Maths….many ‘Learning Objectives’ are being taught now to a younger age group. Creative Curriculum works here, so we’re not changing it! 2 x PE, 2 x ICT (Computing) French to KS2 Science taught on its own or within Creative Curriculum. School buys in many sporting experts and other professionals to provide breadth to our curriculum PE - new school hall needs protecting -outside –trainers, - in hall pumps or bare feet, gym, dance - Upper KS2 non marking trainers as pumps difficult to get size 5+

8 Assessing without Levels
From September 2015 we will not be using LEVELS at all! Replaces the way we assess children in Years 1 to 6 (1c, 1b, 1a, 2c, 2b, 2a ...) Children’s progress is assessed 3 times a year using KLIPS (Key Learning in Primary Schools) KLIPS is a Lancashire based system and is being used by many of the local primary schools. Assessment system is worked on a % basis at different points of the year and enables us to see if your child is on track for the end of year expectations Daily Teacher assessments will continue

9 Pupil Progress The majority of children will be working within ‘Year Group Expectations’ Children will have individual targets as they did before Children who are working below Year Group Expectations or who have SEND will be working on the appropriate Year Group Curriculum End of Year reports to parents- Entering, Developing or Secure at Year Group Expectation. Entering Working below National Expectations Developing Working within National Expectations Secure Working above National Expectations

10 And FINALLY!!!! KLIPS Assessments are –Completed by the person who knows your child best ... their Teacher –Not designed to restrict your child’s progress, they will know their targets –Forms only part of our assessment process And it is new to us all! So if you have any questions, please come and speak to us!

11 Pupil Premium - £81K on top of budget (£94K last year)
Schools receive a Pupil Premium payment for any child who has been in receipt of free school meals (FSM) any time during the last 6 years, who has been in continuous or foster care (CLA) for 6 months or more, or who has a parent in the armed forces. The range of provision the Headteacher and Governors may consider for these children could include the following: Providing small group work with an experienced teacher focused on overcoming gaps in learning 1-2-1 support Additional teaching and learning opportunities provided through learning mentors, trained TAs or external agencies Providing an additional TA in the classroom so that the teacher is freed up to support those children whose need is greatest Work through the pupil premium will be aimed at accelerating progress, moving children to at least age related expectations. The premium may also be used to target able children on FSM to achieve Level 4 or Level 5 in Yr 6. In April 2015 Buckshaw Primary was assigned £81420 this has been allocated as follows:


13 Nursery Class Nursery Class is now part of the school…welcome!
Initial problems some have ironed out. E.g. 3:30pm difficult for parents of children finishing at 3:15pm. Topping up 15 hours free provision for 3 year olds Any problems please see Miss Gregory, Miss Deane or me.

14 Leave during school term time!
The Government have passed legislation which our Governing Body agreed to follow regarding ‘Leave in term time’ not ‘holidays’! 2013 Leave forms…..not Holiday forms I am not allowed to AUTHORISE leave unless under ‘Exceptional circumstances’…….what are these, as they have changed yet again!? Children are permitted up to 5 Unauthorised days each term, but only 10 over 2 or 3 terms. If you decide to go on holiday, Miss Deane or I will need to meet with you, further explain, refuse to authorise your holiday, and explain ….. Penalty Notices! £120 per child per parent. £60 each if paid in 28 days. End of year report already notes ‘Unauthorised absences’ This has worked here at Buckshaw as our Attendance figures have improved dramatically.

15 Leave during school term time!
TEACHER INSET DAYS: This year - Friday 4th September 2015 Thursday 22nd October 2015 Friday 23rd October 2015 Monday 2nd November 2015 Monday 6th June 2016

16 Attendance & Punctuality
School Attendance and punctuality is important, obviously! We reward children in school with certificates and weekly ‘garlands!’ Traffic light letters to inform you that your child is nearing a critical level of absence are sent out as routine, please do not be offended if your child has had an illness…..we are required by law to do this. Persistence absence from September 2015 is now 90% not 85%....each half term we send out a letter about this too. If you take a child out of school or they are ill a lot in term 1, their attendances will always be very low! The Local Authority and OFSTED monitor this data……………!

17 Attendance One of the reasons we got ‘Good’ and not ‘Outstanding’ at our last OFSTED inspection in 2012 was that ‘it looked’ as if our attendance was not as good as it could have been. Our targets for attendance were as follows: Our school target was to reduce absences to 6% and unauthorsied absence to less than 1% In 2013/14 we bettered this, Absences were consistently at 4.9% and unauthorised at 0.5% In 2014/15 we improved it again So many thanks to those of you who reduced the number of days lost to holidays in term time.

18 Safeguarding! Car Parking and school car park – recent incidents…….!
School security E-Safety Children on 18+ games, DVD’s Facebook – 14+ CSE and DV School's DSLs and ‘our roles’

19 ……FREE Buckshaw Primary APP
Welcome……Important Documents Here are some very important documents you may wish to look at: Important Documents 15-16 Buckshaw Holidays Special Educational Needs Policy Buckshaw 2015 SEN School Local Offer Buckshaw Primary School BUCKSHAW PRIMARY SCHOOL SEN report SATs-Results-14 PE Premium June 15 Holiday-Dates charging-remissions-policy-12 Acceptable_Parental_Behaviour_Policy Behaviour-and-Discipline-Policy Attendance-Policy-June 15 Buckshaw-Primary-School-Curriculum-14 15 Buckshaw-Prospectus-14-15 Pupil-Premium-1516 ……FREE Buckshaw Primary APP

20 A.O.B. Hair cuts, PE kit, bikes & scooters, glasses (!), homework, IEPs, IBP’s extra home work to accelerate progress, school shoes, coats, healthy packed lunches, ‘falling out’, playground ‘tig’, bottled water, wellies and umbrellas! Home school communication……! Meet your class teachers so that they can explain how you can help your child this year.

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