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MODULE VI - EXERCISES Carmen R. Cintrón Ferrer © 2014.

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1 MODULE VI - EXERCISES Carmen R. Cintrón Ferrer © 2014

2 Innovation Exercise Carmen R. Cintrón Ferrer, 2014, Reserved Rights 2  Read the Innovation Value Institute articles  Digital Capability, Kieran O’Hea, 2011, IVI  IT-CMF Framework  Sustainable ICT, Sheila Upton, 2011, IVI  Using the IT-CMF as an Enabler for Transformational Change, Dr. Stephen McLaughlin, 2013, IVI  Winning with ICT, Martin Curley, Martin Delaney, 2010, IVI  It’s Innovation …, Dr. Stephen McLaughlin, 2011  Examine the Managing Knowledge Framework, Niall Connelly, 2013, IVI

3 Innovation Exercise Carmen R. Cintrón Ferrer, 2014, Reserved Rights 3  Provide a scenario where an organization would benefit for using the IT-CMF Framework. Briefly discuss how its use could contribute to promote innovation and IT value.  Explain the importance, from a global competitiveness perspective, how human resources and IT management should collaborate in implementing the Knowledge Management Framework proposed by Connelly. Is it applicable to any type/size of organization?

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