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Considerations for Brackish Groundwater Use as a Water Supply for Small Water Systems and Municipalities Eddie C. Livingston, MSCE, P.E. Livingston Associates,

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Presentation on theme: "Considerations for Brackish Groundwater Use as a Water Supply for Small Water Systems and Municipalities Eddie C. Livingston, MSCE, P.E. Livingston Associates,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Considerations for Brackish Groundwater Use as a Water Supply for Small Water Systems and Municipalities Eddie C. Livingston, MSCE, P.E. Livingston Associates, P.C. NM Brackish Groundwater Aquifer Assessment Workshop Albuquerque, NM January 15, 2004

2 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers

3 Saline GW in NM n 20% fresh <1,000 ppm TDS n 50% brackish water 1,000 - 3,000 TDS n 25% brackish water 3,000 - 10,000 TDS n 5% saline water >10,000 ppm TDS –(source: NM Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources, 1965, Mineral and Water Resources of New Mexico: Bulletin 87)

4 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers Establish Water Quality Goals n Meet USEPA/NMED primary and secondary drinking water standards n TDS <500 mg/L n Sulfate <250 mg/L n or will <1,000 mg/L TDS be acceptable? n Match current quality? n End user decision

5 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers Desalting Technologies n Reverse Osmosis (RO) - Pressure driven membrane ion separation process n Electrodialysis Reversal (EDR) - Low voltage electrical ion separation process n Ion Exchange (IX) - Replaces select ions for another (sodium for hardness) n various thermal (distillation) processes n New technologies

6 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers RO Membrane

7 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers Ion Rejection

8 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers RO Terms n Feed water (BW supply) n Permeate (product) treated water n Brine (concentrate) rejected salt stream n Recovery: percent of product water to feed water (ie; if feed = 100 gallons, and product = 75 gallons then recovery is 75%)

9 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers Example RO Performance Feed n TDS = 2,250 mg/L n Cl = 189 mg/L n SO 4 = 1,220 mg/L n Ca = 353 mg/L n Hard = 1404 mg/L n pH = 7.3 Product n 25 mg/L n 5 mg/L n 3 mg/L n 12 mg/L n 6.0


11 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers Horizon City 6 MGD RO

12 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers MEMBRANE SCALING n Scale formation on membrane surface n Sparingly soluble salts (CaSO 4, BaSO 4 ) n Will cause “tail-end” membrane scaling n Increased operating pressure and decrease in salt rejection

13 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers BWRO Problem Salts n CaSO 4 n BaSO 4 n SrSO 4 n CaCO 3 n CaF n Fe n Mn n Al n SiO 2

14 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers Concentrate Disposal n Concentrate 3X to 5X feed TDS n Concentrate flow 20% to 50% feed n Sewer system to WWTP n Deep well injection n Evaporation ponds, playas n Concentrated for zero-discharge n Beneficial uses, land application

15 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers RO Equipment n Pre-engineered “skid” mounted incl. pumps, pre-filters, chem feed, RO array and controls n For small systems from 15,000 gpd to around 500,000 gpd n Can be containerized or placed in a building n Modular for expansion

16 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers

17 O&M Cost n Power10% to >50% n Labor80% to <15% n Membranes<15% to 25% n Chemicals 25% n Concentrate disposal n Higher TDS, greater O&M

18 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers Desalination Cost Considerations n Target BW in lower TDS range (<5,000) n Maximize recovery, utilize scale inhibitor n Maximize blending potential, integrate n Evaporate or land apply concentrate n Use shallow wells near roads and power n Gravity flow delivery system, exist route n Use economies of scale, regional

19 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers BGW Quality Data Needed n TDS n Conductivity n pH n Temp n Major Cations/Anions n Fe/Mn/Al/Si

20 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers Possible Strategies n ID potential users, small and large n Evaluate opportunity for Regional supply where possible n Characterize BW resources within a practical radius, power and routes n Rank based on quality, yield, volume n Perform RO pilot study for costing

21 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers Ft. Stockton, Texas n 6 MGD RO Plant (3 MGD blend) n TDS1600800mg/L n Sulfates430215mg/L n Hardness600300mg/L n Recovery80%,brine to WWTP n Cost= $0.30/kGal (blended)

22 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers Ft. Stockton 6 MGD RO

23 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers WSMR Stallion Site EDR n 150,000 GPD n Feed TDS 3,600 ppm n Product TDS 500 ppm n Recovery 65% n Costs $2.00 per Kgal n Brine evaporated in pond

24 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers Alamogordo, NM n 6 MGD RO Plant; expand to 13 MGD. n TDS of GW 2,200 mg/L to 800 mg/L n Blend 60% RO to 40% GW n Recovery approx. 84%, brine to evap. n Capital Cost = $8 M (plant/pond) n Delivered Cost = $0.65/kGal

25 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers Gallup (White Cliffs) n 15,000 GPD RO Plant n TDS*3,000150mg/L n Recovery85%,brine to WWTP n Capital Cost= $50,000 n * - varies

26 LIVINGSTON ASSOCIATES, P.C. Consulting Engineers Questions?

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