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“Even More Dramatic RE!” Lesley Pollard School Improvement Officer

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Presentation on theme: "“Even More Dramatic RE!” Lesley Pollard School Improvement Officer"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Even More Dramatic RE!” Lesley Pollard School Improvement Officer

2 Objectives To explore ways in which dramatic conventions can be used to aid teaching and learning in Religious Education; To illustrate ways in which dramatic conventions can be used to make teaching in Religious Education more inclusive; To participate in activities to show several conventions in practice.

3 Time Tunnel Taking on Roles Teacher in Role Role on the Wall Hot Seating Freeze Framing Slow Motion Thought Tapping/Tracking Overheard Conversations Conscience Alley Presenting a Story Guiding a Journey Expressing and Exploring Feelings Role Play Improvisation Action Narration Choral Narration Communal Voice Mantle of the Expert Using Drama Conventions in R.E

4 A Character in a Box & A Choral Narration KS1

5 Chorus Narration St. Francis N: Long ago in Italy a baby was born, The sun shone brightly on that new morn. C: N: Assisi was the town, Francis was the babe, The boy grew up rich, strong and brave. C: N: He longed to win battles, become a knight. He trained very hard and tried to fight. C: N: Francis gave the best parties for miles around, Much wine and food and music so loud. C: N: He wore the finest clothes and owned the finest things, But Francis was not happy, his heart it did not sing. C: © L.Pollard

6 N: Francis prayed to God and asked God what to do. “Become a better man, care for others, creatures too.” C: N: Francis gave his money and tried to help the poor. He cared for the sick and lonely, no one could do more. C: N: Francis travelled far and wide, helping where he could. Had churches built and told stories of Jesus doing good. C: N: Francis praised God for the beauty of the earth, He so loved the all the creatures and understood their worth. C: N: Francis tried to follow the life that Jesus led, A very special man, made a Saint after death. C: © L.Pollard

7 Gave away all his possessions Introduced the first Christmas Crib to remind people of Jesus Built churches Eat only what he could beg or was given to him Cared for the sick Helped the poor Cared for the environment Told people about Jesus Helped the sad, lonely and angry Tried to bring peace to the world What did St. Francis do?

8 What Would St. Francis Think? Example Scenarios Group 1 You are playing a game and do not want to stop to include one particular person when they ask if they can join in. It makes them very unhappy. Group 2 You are working on a display and want to use another group’s special pens. You just go and take them, which makes the other group angry and upset. Group 3 There is a new person who wishes to join in with something your group are doing but this person has a disability and you do not want them to join in or you think it will spoil things. Group 4 You are enjoying a picnic together when something causes an upset between members of the group and there is an argument! Group 5 Somebody asks for help from you and your friends as you are hurrying to the cinema. If you help you will be late and miss the film! You don’t want that to happen so refuse to help. Group 6 You are planning what to do in the holidays and decide to go swimming but one friend cannot afford to go. They are very hurt when you all decide to go anyway. © L.Pollard

9 A Time Tunnel

10 Anandpur, India 1699 I saw a young man who was smiling but appeared a little apprehensive. He was stood in front of a tent. Before him stood another man, older, holding something aloft. The young man was muttering something which I could not understand, something about “Guru” and “chosen, I have been chosen”. Behind the young man were a crowd of people, thousands of them. They were looking towards the young man. Some were screaming, shouting. Others were crying. They looked shocked, frightened. Some appeared to be running away, others looked angry. Some were cheering and smiling, others were praying. Both men were dressed in clothes which were not familiar to me. I do not understand what I saw.

11 Sani Ram A young man aged 22 training to be a merchant. Works hard, as asked to by the Gurus. Long hair, beard, long tunic over loose cotton trousers. Thick sash around waist. Clothes are simple and modest. Will soon marry. Marriage is important to Sikhs. Very wealthy family. Father soldier in Anandpur, mother teaches music.

12 Devout Sikh family. Follow teachings of Guru Nanak and the Gurus who came after him. Believes there is only One God, all people are equal and other people’s faiths must be respected. Trying to lead a good life according to the teachings of the Gurus. Learning to play the Harmonium. Willing to fight, and if necessary die, for beliefs. One of the first five members of The Khalsa therefore wearing the Five K’s and taking Amrit with Guru Gobind Singh.

13 Role On The Wall

14 Conversations

15 Conscience Alley

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