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 Read the question carefully. That will allow you to…  Get into the documents to look for categories to form your thesis  Draft your thesis and note.

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Presentation on theme: " Read the question carefully. That will allow you to…  Get into the documents to look for categories to form your thesis  Draft your thesis and note."— Presentation transcript:


2  Read the question carefully. That will allow you to…  Get into the documents to look for categories to form your thesis  Draft your thesis and note your groups  Draft your topic sentences  Find your evidence (from the documents)  Tackle your documents again for POV (a 3 rd time)  Finish your prep, THEN write your essay

3  You can score 7 points on the Core.  You can score 9 points on the DBQ.  In you earn all 7 points on the core, you might be able to earn 2 bonus points.  If you follow this advice, you won’t even need to worry about the expanded core – you will have it.

4  If you have a decent thesis or it could get you THREE points.

5  ALMOST EVERY DOCUMENT must be mentioned at least ONE time in your essay.  Understanding means you interpret it correctly (discuss/analyze it).  You then use the document as evidence.  To get points for grouping, you only need to put it in a group.

6 Think: Start with thesis… 1. If it includes dates, they are important – what is important about the dates? 2. Factors: Hmmm? What about SPICE– could these be factors?

7 S – Social Structures (gender, family, race, class structure) P – Political (forms of govt., empires, nations-nationalism, revolts-revolutions, global structures and organizations) I– Interaction Between Humans/Environment (demography- disease, migration, settlement, technology) C – Cultures (religions-philosophies- ideologies, science and technology, arts and architecture) E – Economic Systems (agriculture, trade, labor systems, industrialization, capitalism-socialism

8 Factors, factors? PEACE or nationalism???

9 Factors…factors… Nationalism or the economy!! Oh, how about I use the same document in two groups?

10 Oh… this is also about making money – economics – 2 documents make a group.

11 Think of your thesis in three parts… 1.Answer the question that is asked in one or two CONNECTING sentences (this is your argument). 2.Indicate the groups (3) that you will use to address the question. You will have more groups than just 3 – more later. 3.Give a “hint” as to what you will address in each group (especially if it is a very broad category).

12 In 1892 plans were being made to reestablish the Olympic Games. The first modern Olympic Games were held in 1896. The initial goal was to promote world peace, but from 1892 to 2002 many other factors shaped the modern Olympic movement. These factors included political factors such as demonstrating the political and military power; intellectual factors, such as the rise of nationalism; and social factors such as the rise of feminism. Economics, especially for the profit of corporations, also was a factor in later years. This isn’t great, but it will get the points every time!!!!!!



15  DO NOT try to be creative or persuasive in your essay!!  These are historical INFORMATIVE essays and the only thing that matters is if you use evidence to support your argument.

16 In 1892 plans were being made to reestablish the Olympic Games. The first modern Olympic Games were held in 1896. The initial goal was to promote world peace, but from 1892 to 2002 many other factors shaped the modern Olympic movement. These factors included political factors such as demonstrating the political and military power; intellectual factors, such as the rise of nationalism; and social factors such as the rise of feminism. Economics, especially for the profit of corporations, also was a factor in later years. One of the factors that shaped the modern Olympic Games was political, including nationalism. Another factor was feminism. Finally, economics played a major role in shaping the modern Olympics. Evidence from Docs. Conclusion

17 In 1892 plans were being made to reestablish the Olympic Games. The first modern Olympic Games were held in 1896. The initial goal was to promote world peace, but from 1892 to 2002 many other factors shaped the modern Olympic movement. These factors included political factors such as demonstrating the political and military power; intellectual factors, such as the rise of nationalism; and social factors such as the rise of feminism. Economics, especially for the profit of corporations, also was a factor in later years. Political, including nationalism Feminism Economics 3 pieces of evidence Conclusion

18 POINT OF VIEW – 3 Ws 1.WHO says it… 2.WHAT does he/she say (this could be used as evidence to support your thesis) 3.WHY does he/she say it (this is the POV and this is where you get POV points.


20 This is a POV.

21 This is incorrect. The Cold War did not end in 1980.

22  Attempt to do POVs for EVERY document…Yes, every document.  Do enough correctly and you get into the expanded core!!!!


24 Willy Brandt, Chancellor of West Germany expressed great support for the ECC. Brandt stressed the importance of the ECC and how it might lead to lasting peace in Europe. According to Brandt, the ECC would be as significant to Europe as the Marshall Plan was; however, since Brandt made these comments at Harvard University, he might have chosen the American Marshall Plan to highlight so that he could better connect with the American audience (doc. 9).


26  Consider the following about each person  Title, position, or job (economic motives, political motives, etc.)  Male/female  Country or religion of the person (in favor of country or historically doesn’t like people from a different country; supports or dislikes a religious group)  Date the statement was made (around a war)  Consider the type of document and why it was created…  Political speech, diary entry, newspaper article )what type of paper)  Maps, graphs, charts – who created it and why???  Pictures, paintings – who paid for it?

27  The additional document…  This is simple, if you do it right…you are really saying whose voice is NOT heard and what their voice would add to the discussion.  Women  Poor  Those who “lost”  Workers  Ethnic Groups  Look for obvious omissions

28  Officially, anywhere, but just like POV, about ½ of the “additional documents” are wrong, so I say include one per group – REMEMBER TO SAY WHY – ANALYSIS





33  Same as DBQ for thesis (groups and time period); the global issue is the topic  Evidence – Rule of 3 – include three pieces of evidence (facts, dates, names, etc) to prove your thesis. These must be discussed and/or analyzed in order to count!!!  What happened in the world that made this happen. Include something outside of the region.  How/why was this a change? What happened? What was the process that led to change and how/why did some things STAY THE SAME?

34 1.Know that something changed and something stayed the same or they would not have asked the question. 2.Note the topic – formation of national identities. 3.Time Period – what is the significance here (hint it has something to do with war) 4.Specific countries in the region – do you know at least 3 countries in each of the regions??? If no, learn them before the test.

35 Middle East – Egypt, Israel, Iran, Iraq, Turkey Southeast Asia – Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia Sub Sahara Africa – Nigeria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Africa

36 Quick Brainstorm

37 Thesis – follow same rules – 3 groups; include time period; answer question; provide hints about what changed and what stayed the same over time; include key changing event Group 1 What it was like at the beginning? Group 2 What was the key changing event? Group 3 What was it like after the change? Evidence – include WHY it was like this Evidence – include WHY the key event happened Evidence – include what was the same and what was different and WHY

38  Wrong Regions  Wrong Time periods  Not saying what stays the same  No/little analysis – what did change and why did they NOT change  Make a global or world connection – mention something that is happening in another region or something that is worldwide  Not addressing the question (or all parts of the question)


40  Comparison means to say what is the same and what is different.  This says at LEAST one – you need THREE – Rule of 3!!!  Analyze means to say why – Why is there a difference or similarity?



43  Remember you only get points for pointing out the similarities and differences.  Consider the following…

44 Where are you going to compare and contrast???

45 Can work, but not always

46 This requires a lot of prewriting – if you have time, do this!!!

47 Thesis – Same as before – answer question, use groups, and give hints Political Goals and Outcomes Economic Goals and Outcomes Military Goals and Outcomes Evidence Conclusion

48  Describing the two things/events separately (with great evidence) but never comparing and/or contrasting – NO POINTS FOR DESCRIBING  Confusing dates, people, and places  Running out of time and not finishing

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