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Rural Economic Development – Incentives attracting Enterprises AER Conference Exeter 20th Oktober 2005 Johannes Maier.

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Presentation on theme: "Rural Economic Development – Incentives attracting Enterprises AER Conference Exeter 20th Oktober 2005 Johannes Maier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rural Economic Development – Incentives attracting Enterprises AER Conference Exeter 20th Oktober 2005 Johannes Maier

2 Figures: 9 536 squ/km 559.404 inhabitants GDP (PP): 105,6 of EU25-level (2002) Greatest town: Klagenfurt (94.000 inh.)

3 6,5% of population still working in agriculture (some Nuts III: 10,5%), 59% forest 12% organic farming, 95% are handicaped areas (mountainous) small and long valleys, surrounded by peaks up to 2.500 m (typical for south and western Austria) question of transport infrastructure Mountains...

4 Rural area at the whole... Villach Klagenfurt

5 About 900 local initiatives and small projects for businesses, farmers, municipalities, local groups, etc Stimulating co-operation and innovation Bottom up – utilizing local potentials Overarching aim: Creating jobs and income Integrated approach

6 7 business (Tech-) Centres main measure for economic incentives hard and soft infrastructure i) Founder monitoring and services strategic planning processes and implementation mechanisms Business and Tech-centres

7 ii) Encouragement of clusters iii) Support for marketing initiatives iv) Training and skills facilities „Economic Promotion Institute” “Technikum Kärnten“ provide...

8 Decentralised technical colleges Situated in 4 locations Co-operation in projects with local enterprises Delivering new technologies and innovation New discussion: regional policy versus cost efficiency ! Technikum Kärnten

9 the whole region Business centres cover...

10 1990: Provide solely for business premises and (hard) infrastructure 1995: extension to (soft) „services“ (founders) since 2000: know-how transfer and innovation with networking and clustering > „Lake side Park“ Klagenfurt Tasks are changing...

11 Summary conclusions: Particular public services are needed > keep alive economic activities in rural areas (founders) Business parks and local projects Modernisation, innovation, structural reforms demand reacting in time towards globalisation – earlier to Lisbon No rural development without strengthening agglomerations (towns) Rural areas: call for accessibility to innovation and research funds Successful developments are build on the regional strengths

12 Thanks for your attention Entwicklungsagentur Kärnten GmbH

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