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The Collaboratory Monday, September 28, 2009. Fall Retreat Come out for a fun time with the whole Collaboratory! Collab Spoof Game New Members Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "The Collaboratory Monday, September 28, 2009. Fall Retreat Come out for a fun time with the whole Collaboratory! Collab Spoof Game New Members Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Collaboratory Monday, September 28, 2009

2 Fall Retreat Come out for a fun time with the whole Collaboratory! Collab Spoof Game New Members Orientation Alumni and Fire Sleep Over October 9th-10 th (Fri – Sat), RSVP now! Location: New Beginning’s Loft in Carlisle, PA

3 Student Leaders & Advisors: Summer site team proposals Due: Fall Break (October 22 nd ) Email to For more information: Wiki– See the “Approving Programs” page found under “Proposals” in the Policies & Procedures section Summer 2010 Site Team Proposals

4 Are You Civi-ing? Remember to update the CiviCRM database! All contacts must be in the database by Fall Break (October 22 nd ) for our fall newsletter. http://collab-main/ If this is new to you, please talk to your Group Leader and see Bethany Waldmann ( for a

5 Wiki Accounts If you’re new to the Collaboratory and/or don’t have a Collaboratory Wiki Account… Contact Bethany Waldmann

6 Economic and Environmental Sustainability Event Coordinated by: Hierald and Kristen Kane-Osorto RSVP at: Where? The Unitarian Church of Harrisburg When? Saturday, October 3 rd Transportation is being provided by the OMP. Meet at Eisenhower Circle around 8:15 AM.

7 Nestlé Prize in Creating Shared Value What? An investment of up to $461,000 awarded to an individual, an NGO or a small enterprise for outstanding innovation in water, nutrition or rural development that: 1. Has proven its worth on a small-scale 2. Is feasible and applicable on a broader scale or in other communities 3. High promise of improving rural development, improving nutrition, improving access to clean water, or having a significant impact on water management. Submission Deadline: October 31 st, 2009 For More Information:

8 Next Time Chapel Credit will be offered! Steve Bundy Managing Director, Christian Institute on Disability (CID) The Theology of Disability

9 Tonight Chapel Credit is offered! Steve “Stretch” Dean Youth Pastor, Immanuel Church of the Nazarene: Lansdale, PA The Joys of our Spiritual Disciplines: Being Set Apart (Holiness)

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