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OBJ: Given notes, video, activity sheet SWBAT describe and state the cause of various genetic disorders with 70% accuracy. BRING IN TEXT BOOK DN: Hand-in.

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Presentation on theme: "OBJ: Given notes, video, activity sheet SWBAT describe and state the cause of various genetic disorders with 70% accuracy. BRING IN TEXT BOOK DN: Hand-in."— Presentation transcript:

1 OBJ: Given notes, video, activity sheet SWBAT describe and state the cause of various genetic disorders with 70% accuracy. BRING IN TEXT BOOK DN: Hand-in UPCO10 Quiz scantron; Video: Human Genome Project; Karyotype ACT: Introduction to Genetic Disorders (Notes) Text, read p.117-121; Work on Human Genetic Disorders Booklet HW: Complete Human Genetic Disorders Booklet; UPCO11 Quiz (Ch.7, Genetics, Evolution) week of May 5; Modern Genetics & Evolution (MGE) Exam, May 12

2 Human Genetic Disorders Notes Cystic Fibrosis: mucus in lungs & intestines; mutation (deletion) of 3 base pairs. Sickle-Cell Anemia: sickle shape red blood cells which can not carry much oxygen; codominant allele. Hemophilia: slow or no blood clotting; recessive allele (sex-linked disorder). Down Syndrome: extra copy of chromosome 21 causing a form of mental retardation; Normal 21: X- shaped Down Syndrome 21: star-shaped

3 Cystic Fibrosis

4 Sickle Cell Anemia

5 Hemophilia

6 Down Syndrome

7 Karyotype: picture of all chromosomes from within a cell Note: 46 human chromosomes or 23 pair of chromosomes 23 rd pair is X (the sex chromosome)

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