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Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Inheritance in C++ How to do it.

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1 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Inheritance in C++ How to do it

2 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Very little new Syntax In the header –Ancestral class –Specify the type of derivation –Give the new properties and methods –Virtual methods In the class code –Constructors –Ancestral method calls How used in client code

3 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Terminology –Derive To make a new class which inherits properties and methods from an older class –Ancestor The older class which defines the inherited properties and methods Also known as the base class or super class –Method Member function –Property Member data

4 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Declaring a derived class Normal class syntax is: class name { –Name is the name of the new class Derivation syntax: class name : [visibility] ancestor { –Name is the new class name –Ancestor is the ancestral class name –Visibility is one of the three visibilities –Public is usually best, default is private

5 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Notes The ancestral class must be accessible via an include –It may also be a derived class The visibility type is most frequently public –Other visibilities will be considered later

6 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Example: –class student: public person { protected: int hours; college_type college; public: student (); student (char nme[], char m_or_f, date& d,int h=0, char c = 'u'); void set_college(char c); void incr_hours(int h); virtual void ToString(char *)const; }; // student class

7 Notes Every property and method of person now exists in student The visibility is not changed Protected and public properties and methods may be accessed by student code Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill

8 Adding properties and methods Protected is only of importance in derivations –Allows a derived class to access but not client Any methods given may either be new or override an existing method –They augment existing methods Properties add to existing properties The virtual is optional in all but the base class –Good documentation

9 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Override To override is to create a new method with the same signature as an inherited method The override method will be executed and not the overridden –Regardless of where the call occurs

10 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Removing There is no remove syntax –There are tricks Restricted derivations reduce everything of a visibility to a lower visibility Most properties are hidden from client so that is not a problem Methods: –Change the visibility from public to protected or private Now inaccessible –Override to do nothing or error

11 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Polymorphism Objects in the same inheritance tree are interchangable –Any may be called Choosing the correct function based on the object at run-time –Dynamic binding –Only possible with pointers –Pointer type must be an ancestral type

12 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Binding Earlier programming languages used static binding only –At compile or link time determine the function needed –Examples: Pascal, C, COBOL Some programming languages use dynamic binding only –Determine function needed at run time –Examples: LISP and Java C++ uses both, depending on situation

13 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill C++ Binding Stroustrup was walking a fine line in the design of C++ He wanted the efficiency of C and the OO power of Smalltalk Thus he puts in the hands of the programmer whether the method is polymorphic, that is has dynamic binding This is done with presence of virtual keyword

14 Interchangeability Polymorphism makes types interchangeable –These classes have an “is a” relationship A cast converts a value from one type to another Interchangeability means to accept that value without cast or other change Upcasting is an example Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill

15 Upcasting To upcast is to treat an object lower on the inheritance tree as if it were higher –To treat a derived class like one of its super classes It is easy – not actually a cast at all The storage of the ancestor always precedes that of the descendent See the pictures in next two slides Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill

16 Example Hierarchy Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill person employeestudent grad name wagehours degree

17 Storage of Grad Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Name Hours Degree Person properties Student properties Grad properties The IBM 360 Floating Point Trick

18 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill C++ Requirements for Polymorphism The object must be referenced by a pointer –Pointers are always same length The pointer type must be a pointer to the base type The function called must be declared virtual in the base type All the sub-classes have the function with the same signature

19 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Polymorphism Is enabled by Virtual functions Any ancestral method that is prefixed by virtual forces all descendent functions with same signature to also be virtual The polymorphism is only demonstrated when a pointer is used. –Pointer must be to ancestral class Stack items are of different sizes so are not interchangeable –Unlike pointers

20 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Polymorphic Non-Example Student s, * sptr; Person p, *pptr; st = s.ToString(); –This is not polymorphic since we know exactly what the type of s is. sptr->set_name(“Bill Smith”); –This is not polymorphic since set_name is only defined in Person

21 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Polymorphic Example Person * p; p = new student(…); p = new person(…); // Assignment of any // descendent is legal st = p->ToString(); –This is polymorphic since we do not know whether p is a pointer to a person or any of its descendents –Run-time system must figure it out for us

22 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Consider –class X { void A(){ … B(); …} virtual void B() {…} }; // end of X –class Y:public X { virtual void B() {…} }; // end of Y –X * u; Y * v; u->A(); // Calls X.A and then X.B v->A(); // Calls X.A and then Y.B –A descendent B is called by an ancestral A

23 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Constructors The idea is that we build the class values when it is created There are two related problems having to do with default constructors –Constructing a derived class must also construct the ancestral –When the constructor starts any contained classes are already made

24 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Problem example Suppose: class person { protected: date birth; char name[20]; … Date is a class –It must have a default constructor

25 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill The Person Constructor Person::person(…){ birth = date(1,2,87); When the constructor starts (following the {) All the contained or ancestral things have already been constructed Two problems: –Default constructor may not be accessible –Wasteful - Default construction plus second construction

26 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill The solution A different notation for construction Person::person(int m,int d, int y): birth(m,d,y),name(“Bill Smith”){} Property names are treated like functions and initial value is put in them –Even if not a class name –These are executed before any property construction and before anything in braces

27 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Same notation for inheritance In inheritance the ancestral class name is treated like a variable Thus a non-default constructor may be called Most things in the initialization list are member data names except the ancestral class Example follows

28 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Example: Student constructor student::student(char nme[], char m_or_f, date & d, int h,char c) : person(nme,m_or_f,d), hours(h) { set_college(c); }

29 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Summary for Construction In inheritance the ancestral class name is treated like a variable –Thus a non-default constructor may be called All variable names are treated like functions Initialization list is completed before the body of the constructor is executed –Often the body is empty

30 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Pure Virtual Functions Used to define interface No implementation The header is assigned zero: virtual int s1(int i)const=0; virtual int s2()=0;

31 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Abstract Base Classes Contain one or more pure virtual functions –Either their own or inherited from a super class Cannot be instantiated Any descendent must implement all pure virtual functions to be instantiable May have a pointer of that type, which is used for polymorphism for the whole tree May not implement = operator

32 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Example class shape { double x,y; public: virtual void move(double dx, double dy); virtual void draw() = 0; … }; class circle: public shape{ void draw(); … }; … shape * sp;

33 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Example explained Shape is an abstract class Circle’s draw overrides shape’s draw –Circle may be instantiated Even though shape cannot be instantiated a pointer that will contain several shapes may have that type

34 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Accessing Overridden Methods When a descendent overrides an existing method the method is still available The ancestral name and scope resolution operator are used Consider following example

35 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Example 1 class anc{... int meth(int a); }; // end of anc class desc: public anc{... int meth(int a); }; // end of desc int desc::meth(int a){... c = anc::meth(a);... }

36 Example 2 Consider the ToString of the Student class It should not re-implement the ToString of Person –It should just call it Such as: String student::ToString(){ String s = Person::ToString(); s += “ “ + hours; … Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill

37 Example 2 Consider the ToString of the Student class It should not re-implement the ToString of Person –It should just call it Such as: wx String student::ToString(){ wxString s = Person::ToString(); s = s << “ “ << hours; … Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill

38 Visibility Again There are two ways to modify visibilities of the base class Individual methods may be altered by overriding them –Override at a different visibility –Can be done if base class made something other than private All visibilities may be lowered by using derivation visibility

39 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Example class anc{ protected: int meth1(int a); int meth2(int a); }; // end of anc class desc: public anc{ private: int meth1(int a); public: int meth2(int a); }; // end of desc

40 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Derivation Visibility The visibility given in the class header determines the visibility of the items from the superclass in this class This can reduce visibility but never make it more visible Public derivations preserve the existing visibilities

41 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill New Visibilities Derivation type / Base class visibility / Result visibility Was Public Was Protected Was Private Public ProtectedPrivate Protected Private privatePrivate

42 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Other Derivations Protected visibility –Hides all methods and properties from clients –Preserves access to this and sub classes Private visibility –Hides all methods and properties from clients and sub classes –Similar to composition where ancestral class is now private

43 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Multiple Inheritance Recall the grad class –It inherited behavior from both student and person Multiple inheritance is the inheriting of behavior from two different classes –These classes are not usually in the same inheritance tree

44 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Syntax Just about what you expect class C: public A, public B { The C class inherits all the properties and methods of both A and B Class C is interchangeable with both A and B classes

45 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Characteristics of Multiple Inheritance When it is good it is wonderful –A good example is iostreams Inherit from a string formatting object (stream) and a file I/O object (io) Thus have characteristics of both When it is bad it is horrendous –C++ is the main language to retain multiple inheritance –Smalltalk had it then removed it –Java never had –Eiffel seems to have done the most with it

46 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Problems with Multiple Inheritance Main problem is name clashes and what to do with them –Suppose two classes have a method X –A new class is a derivation of both How do we get one X over the other When both ancestors are from same tree problems compound

47 Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill Example Consider: class grademployee: public grad, public employ{… This looks reasonable, but now there are two names, two birth dates, two genders How do we distinguish between the access to the grad set_name or the employ set_name?

48 Conclusion Inheritance is a powerful mechanism for reusing code Function parameters allow us to unite two similar pieces of code into one Inheritance works somewhat similarly by giving new functionality without altering the ancestral class or classes Better yet, it is not hard to do Copyright © 1998-2014 Curt Hill

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