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The Age of Exploration. Did you know… Spices were so valuable in Europe that you could pay your rent in peppercorns.

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Presentation on theme: "The Age of Exploration. Did you know… Spices were so valuable in Europe that you could pay your rent in peppercorns."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Age of Exploration


3 Did you know… Spices were so valuable in Europe that you could pay your rent in peppercorns

4 Early Exploration 1000 CE Leif Eriksson lands in present day Canada (Vinland) 1492 Columbus lands in the New World Why no credit for the Vikings? Why so long between “discoveries”

5 What Changed? 1095 the Crusades Renaissance Reformation Technological Innovation The Commercial Revolution Strong Monarchies and the Nation-State

6 Why Explore? Sea Routes to spices in Asia Gold, silver, precious stones Expand knowledge of the world Control a larger empire (resources) Spread Christianity Animal furs/fish Adventure

7 Why Explore New Maritime Technologies Hartman Astrolabe (1532) Better Maps [Portulan] Sextant Mariner’s Compass

8 Why Go West? Turkish Empire Direct/faster trade route Bandits Taxes/tolls Natural hazards Competition

9 Why Not Go West? Conventional Wisdom –Knew the Earth was round –Thought the distance was too great –Didn’t know about the Americas** Columbus thought it was shorter

10 Why ExploreCycle of Conquest and Colonization Explorers Conquistadores Missionaries Permanent Settlers Official European Colony!

11 Columbian Exchange Old World New World


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