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C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS Adelaide’s Missing North-South Link.

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Presentation on theme: "C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS Adelaide’s Missing North-South Link."— Presentation transcript:

1 C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS Adelaide’s Missing North-South Link

2 C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS Adelaide’s Transport Challenge Our transport system must deliver strategic outcomes  Improve Adelaide’s competitiveness  Stimulate economic activity  Reduce social inequality by improving access to major activity centres, employment and education  Integrate with land-use planning

3 C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS How do we measure up? Adelaide’s competitiveness is declining

4 C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS How do we measure up?  Outer freeways in place in south and SE  PRX will give link to port  Inner ring route: improved amenity limited economic impact But moving people and freight NS remains a problem Recent investment in Road infrastructure

5 C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS Adelaide’s pattern of development is exacerbating the problem  Arc of opportunity  Decline of manufacturing in the south  3 regions

6 C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS Moving people & freight NS  80% of freight is local -road based  Noarlunga to Gawler -64 sets of traffic lights

7 C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS Solving the problem would..  Deliver travel time improvements of 26 minutes  Make SA competitive - nationally  Savings to motorist of $3.00 to $4.50 in fuel alone  Overall benefits to SA economy of $1.6 billion (NPV)

8 C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS Solving the problem would..  Improve environmental conditions  Reduce greenhouse gas emissions  Reduce noise  Improve safety  Social & financial impacts  Generate up to 3,000 construction jobs and 5,000 permanent jobs

9 C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS CAR’s North South Link  62 km long 2-3 lane motorway  Linking Gawler to Noarlunga  $1.3 billion cost  $900m private sector funding  Minimal net govt contribution  Comparable with similar projects elsewhere in Australia

10 C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS Tolls  Only on newly constructed roads  Other alternative routes available.  Fully electronically tolled  Interoperable nationally.  Improves traffic flow – no interruptions.  Increases flexibility and revenue capture.  A way of life in other states  Acceptance - other alternatives available.  Typical toll of $2.50 one way (max $5.00).  More than off set by the direct cost savings to the motorist.

11 C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS Preferred Route  6 options evaluated  Preferred route  Least residences effected  Reduced capital cost  Good connection with existing roads and CBD  Links with current TSA initiatives  (Port River Expressway, Southern Expressway, Inner Ring route)  Local impacts offset by wider benefits


13 C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS Extension to Victor Harbour  A major accident hotspot  Alternative sources of funding proposed  A stimulus to development and tourism

14 C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS Funding  PPP provides model for private sector involvement  $450m required from government  Project meets criteria for Federal funding  SA Government investment  $200 million - Over 4 years

15 C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS Can we afford to defer this project?  Land acquisition more difficult & costly  Freight task predicted to double by 2024  Risk of losing more business to interstate  A lost opportunity: clear signal to potential investors

16 C OMMITTEE FOR A DELAIDE R OADS Next steps  Government support needed  To be included in State Infrastructure Plan  Complete Joint TSA studies  Confirm cost assumptions  Confirm route options  CAR Role  Build public awareness  Engage DOTARs

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