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Physical Properties of Ocean Water

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1 Physical Properties of Ocean Water
Lecture 3 Physical Properties of Ocean Water - Salinity and Light -

2 Part 1 - What’s in seawater

3 Salinity Freshwater Seawater 101.07 kg/100 l 103.6 kg/100 l
How much salt is in seawater? Freshwater Seawater kg/100 l 103.6 kg/100 l

4 Salt in the ocean - 5.5 x 109 tonnes
- cover the earth to a depth of 45 m

5 Component Ions in Seawater


7 Comparison of fresh and salt water

8 -measured in ppt (parts per thousand or ‰)
Ion Concentration -measured in ppt (parts per thousand or ‰) Average in seawater is about ‰ (freshwater is about 3.3 ‰)


10 Salinity – Red Sea - evaporation - isolation from open ocean - little freshwater input 41‰ 33‰


12 The effects of all these ions
Seawater freezes at a lower temperature Fresh water Salt water Liquid Ice

13 Part 2 – How do we measure salinity?

14 Forchhammer - Law of Constant Proportions
Ratio of ions  Na+ : Cl- : SO4-- : Mg++: K+ : Ca++ :CO3-- Constant - worldwide Calculation of salinity from chlorinity chlorinity - wt. of Cl-, Br-, I- ions Salinity % = x chlorinity

15 Salinity and conductivity

16 Salinity and refraction


18 Refractometer

19 Part 3 – Where do all these ions come from?

20 Sources – provide elements to system
Sinks – remove elements from system

21 Sources of Inputs of Salts in Oceans
Rivers (largest transport of chemicals to ocean) Rain + CO2  H2CO3 Si, Al, Na, K, Mg Volcanoes Cl, S, CO2 Dust / Rain Fe, Si Anthropogenic CO2, P

22 Example 2 Geochemical Cycle

23 Cycling of Sea Salt Volcanic activity Sediments uplifted
H2S Rainfall Volcanic activity Cl- SO4-2 Sediments uplifted River discharge & runoff Ca+2 K+ Mg+2 CO3-2 Ca+2 SO4-2 Mg+2 N+ Organisms die adsorbed by clays Leaching from rocks precipitation Bottom sediments

24 Hydrothermal Vents: A Source & SINK Minor source
Consume other elements Lead, Sulfur, Copper, Iron, Cobalt, Gold Mostly Gypsum & Zinc

25 Sinks Biological activity
Interaction with particulate matter: clays and organic matter absorb dissolved metals


27 Residence Time - Concentration
Element Res. Time (yrs) Na 60 x 106 Cl 80 x 106 Mg 10 x 106 K 6 x 106 SO4 9 x 106 Ca 1 x 106 Mn 7 x 103 Fe x 103 Concentration Crust (%) Ocean (mg/l)

28 Gases in Ocean Water

29 Gases in Atmosphere & Oceans
Percent Gas Phase by Volume Gas Atmosphere Surface Ocean Total Ocean N2 79% 48% 11% O2 21% 36% 6% CO2 0.04% 15% 83%


31 Seawater pH Pure water pH = 7 Seawater pH = 7.5 – 8.1
Seawater is very well buffered!

32 The Carbonate System in Seawater
CO2 in seawater is controlled by: 1. Exchange with the atmosphere 2. Photosynthesis/Respiration: 6CO2 + 6H2 O  C6 H12 O6 + 6O2


34 Importance of CO3-- CO3--

35 Normal pH range of seawater
100% 50% 0% HCO3- (bicarbonate ion) H2CO3 (carbonic acid) CO3-- (carbonate ion) Relative abundance of carbonic acid, bicarbonalte ion and carbonate ion in seawater Average pH of seawater Normal pH range of seawater pH


37 Light Transmission transparent in visible part of spectrum
Absorbed as is goes deeper in the water column strongly absorbs infrared (heat) and ultraviolet (prevents damage to DNA)

38 Light penetration

39 Absorption of frequencies of light



42 Light penetration and location

43 Photosynthesis and Light
Photosynthetic Rate (%O2/mim) Irradiance (mE/m2/s

44 Light Depth Percent surface light Turbid coastal water
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Depth Clear open ocean water Limit for foliose algae Limit for Laminaria (kelp) Percent surface light

45 Next time Tides

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